Chapter 40

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Jamie walked through the camp, the night made the cool northern air even colder. They were just over a days ride to Winterfell. He remembered staying here the last time he had visited Winterfell, with the King. He thought of how much had changed since then.

Just before he arrived at his tent he heard a horse ride into camp, he turned to his surprise to see Brienne who began to climb down from her horse. She had a troubled look lingering on her face. "Brienne?" Jamie turned his attention to her.

"Where's Sansa? Is she safe?" Jamie frantically spoke. Brienne looked down as she spoke "Arya and Rickon are safe" she paused for a moment "they've travelled to Castle Black". Jamie spoke slowly, already knowing the answer to the question he was about to ask. "What about Sansa?" "She didn't make it out, I'm sorry Jamie, she made Arya promise her to carry on without her if anything happened".

"She's in danger, we have to get to Winterfell" He turned walking away from her, Brienne followed him. "Jamie it's not that simple, your army is the same size as Ramsey's, you can't just attack it's too much of a risk!" Brienne yelled after him, he turned to meet her stare.

"What am I supposed to do? Leave her with Ramsey?! She's in danger Brienne!" Jamie yelled back. Brienne lowered her voice "I know how hard it is Jamie, but you have to think about this strategically, you need to realise that when you attack Ramsey it's not just to get Sansa back, it's to get Winterfell back."

Jamie listened to what Brienne was telling him. She was right, attacking Winterfell meant declaring House Bolton an enemy of House Lannister. He thought of what his men would think of their cause, how they would feel about fighting for a Northern cause, it was House Stark which was supposed to be their enemy.

"You have to declare an alliance with the Northen Lords, your men need to know that you will win this fight, if they dessert you we won't stand a chance" Jamie nodded, but securing alliances with the Northern Lords they had once fought seemed impossible.

He needed the Starks on his side, Arya, Rickon and Jon. It was his only chance if he wanted to save Sansa.


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