Chapter 22

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Jamie waited in there chambers, he'd found them empty. He thought that maybe Sansa had gone looking for him, or she had found Margaery. There wasn't any other place that she could go. A dim sunlight began to pierce through the window, marking its light on the floor.

Jamie pushed his hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck. Where was she? He needed her now, he needed her more than anything. Jamie's head jerked quickly at the sound of the bells ringing, they only rang for two reasons.

Marriage or death.

Glancing to his left, something caught his eye by the window. Moving out into the balcony his face dropped. A slight fear ran through him. At least 500 ships were sailing towards the shores of Kingslanding.

All with the banner of Stannis Baratheon.

He had to find Sansa, he had to make sure she was safe. Glancing madly around the room he tried to think of where she could be, his first thought was Margaery.

When he reached her and Joffrey's chamber he knocked loudly. Hearing Margaery's shout to come in almost instantly, he swung the door open.

Margaery looked surprised to see him stood in the doorway. "Your Grace" he muttered, his breath was racing, he looked around the room. "Where's Sansa?" He looked at Margaery, who stood silent for a moment.

Her eyes filled with guilt. "Tell me please" panic began to enter Jamie's body, all that filled his mind was the sound of the bells and Sansa. "I don't know.. All I know is she went to meet Baelish-" "what? Why?" Jamie interrupted.

Margaery turned away for a moment rummaging through one of the drawers of a large chest that stood by the window. "Here" she pushed the note into Jamie's hand.

"I have to go, before they get here" she took a look at the sea, littered with Baratheon ships, she glanced back at Jamie before whispering "I'm sorry" and slipping out of the room.

Meet at dawn at the garden entrance on the third day of this week

Jamie rushed out the door, he began to head to the gardens, he had to find her before it was too late, Baelish couldn't take her away from him, no one could.

Reaching the garden entrance he began shouting her name, praying for a response, anything. "Sansa?!" He looked around doubtfully, knowing he was too late.

"No... no" his voice was barely audible. Heading back towards the castle, a slight hope filled his head that maybe she had returned, but no matter how much he wanted it he knew she hadn't.

Reaching the steps, something caught his eye, picking it up off the floor, he held up a gold necklace, with an engraved lion. He pressed his fingers over it, digging it into the skin on his palm.

Sansa had gone, she had left him.


"Jamie there you are" Tyrion looked at his brother who arrived with an agitated expression painted on his face. Jamie grunted in response.

Tyrion eyed him for a moment watching his eyes flash from the ships back to the bells. "Will some idiot stop those fucking bells" Bronn shouted. Tyrion broke his gaze on his brother.

"Come I have a plan" Jamie followed his little brother down the steps.


Sansa's eyes were heavy when she tried to open them, she brought a hand to her face, wincing as her fingers touched the cut on her forehead. She looked at her finger tips that were stained with blood. Tilting her head she looked around, there was a dim light that filled the room.

Using her hands she pushed herself up, she had been laid down on a small bed. Lifting her head up she heard the rattling of keys sound at the door, wherever she was, she was locked in.

A figure entered the room, Sansa looked at him, her eyes seemed to blur a little but she knew who it was.

"Lord Baelish?" She half whispered. "Please called me Petyr" her eyes focused on the smirk painted on his face. He bent his knees to kneel down next to her, bringing his hand to her face, he brushed her cut with the back of his hand.

Sansa felt her brows furrow at his touch "that's a nasty cut, you should clean it" his eyes focused back to Sansa, who was watching him carefully.

"Who took me? In the garden" Baelish hushed her, standing up straight again. "That doesn't matter now, all that matters is you" Sansa stopped herself from asking any more questions, she wasn't sure that he would answer her anyway.

"I'll visit you again in a few hours, you should get some sleep" she nodded in response, after he left, she heard the keys turn in the lock once more.

She had already felt like she had slept for days, pulling her legs out of the bed, she moved over to the window, holding onto the wall to keep her upright she peered out of it.

All that surrounded her was a vast, dark sea, she could just make out a trace of land across the horizon. Wherever she was, she was a long way away from Jamie.


"How do you know it will work?" Jamie tried to focus on the reality of what was happening and what would happen if Stannis got past the castle walls. But all his thoughts were clouded by the Stark girl.

"It has to work" Tyrion held his brothers eye before nodding to Bronn "good luck" he nodded back before leaving them both.

"We have to get back to the castle walls, come quickly" Tyrion urged his brother. "Where's Cersei?" He softly whispered "she's safe, don't worry and Sansa will be too" Jamie tried to below his words, but wherever she was she wasn't safe.

The ships had closed in even further now, Jamie prayed to all the gods that his brothers plan worked

if it didn't they were done for and nothing in the world would be able to save them.

Last chance for honourजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें