Chapter 21

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Jamie slammed the door behind him, leaving Sansa alone, he couldn't even bear to look at her, everything she was was just a reminder of what he'd done.

She was a Stark and he was a Lannister, of course she couldn't love him, how could she after everything that happened to her family, she remembered what her mother had told him, about how the world is unjust because of men like him, the truth was he was just like them, no better. And he was going to burn in the deepest of the seven hells with the rest of them.

Jamie swung the door open, shutting it behind him he stopped for a few seconds. "Jamie?" Her soft voice was full of surprise, her blonde hair hung loosely down past her shoulders. "Cersei" he pulled her closer to him, pressing his lips forcefully against hers, she pulled away for a moment.

"Has you little wife grown tired of you?" Her words were bitter. "I don't care about her anymore" he pulled her in closer to him. Cersei's hands tugged through his hair, he found himself only thinking of Sansa, how her soft lips tasted sweet, how she looked at him when he told her he love her, he wanted her and no one else.

But he was nothing to her now.


Sansa had laid awake all night, she waited for Jamie to come back, she wanted him to hold her in his arms. She didn't know where he'd gone, but deep down she knew he wasn't going to return that night.

Sansa pulled herself out of bed looking out the window, the sky was dimly lit waiting for the sun to rise in its usual place. It was almost dawn.

She started to lace up her deep purple dress, it was her warmest. Taking her mothers scarf, she wrapped it under her dress, letting it sit around her neck. Underneath where she had kept the scarf was a locket, she remembered when Joffrey had given it to her, when he had promised her that he would never hurt her again. She picked it up, grasping it tightly in her hand.

Closing the door behind her she took a deep breath. Pushing all her thoughts about Jamie, and what she'd said to him to the back of her mind. If she thought about him, she wouldn't be able to leave, but she had to.


Jamie woke to the first rays of sunlight filling the room, he looked over to the other side of the bed, half expecting Sansa to be laying there, peacefully sleeping, her red hair spilled out over her back.

He was brought back to realisation when Cersei stirred, opening her eyes she looked at him for a second, before turning away.

"What made you come back?" Jamie tried to ignore her question, but she was looking at him for his answer. "I didn't hear you complaining" his voice was thick. Getting out of bed he started to get dressed.

"So you're just going to leave again?" Cersei pressed her lips together, she waited for an answer but got none. Stepping out of bed she tied her night gown around her. Moving over to the table she poured herself some wine.

Jamie watched her through the corner of his eye, but he said nothing, he knew it was useless. "I'm sorry" his voice was flat, he was unsure of what to say. "Just get out" she said under her breath, a hint of hatred clinging to her words.

Jamie started walking back to his chambers, he thought of what he was going to say. He knew he had said stupid things that he didn't mean, he had only said it to hurt her, and it had worked he could tell by the way her lips had parted, and how her lashes had rimmed with tears. He had never meant it, he loved her.


Sansa finally reached the garden entrance, she couldn't see anyone. She proceeded carefully, trying to hear if anyone was there. All she could hear was the crunching of the gravel beneath her feet.

She waiting for someone to come, looking up she could see the first hours of daylight approaching. Looking down at the necklace in her hand, her fingers traced over the lion engraved in the gold. She found herself thinking of Jamie again, no matter how hard she tried to stop thinking of him, she never could.

The more Jamie clouded her thought the more she thought of her family. She could just walk back to her chambers right now before anyone came. She could wait for Jamie to return. There must be another way to find her family again.

Sansa took another look around trying to see if Baelish was coming but she heard nothing. She turned back to the castle hearing the bells ringing, something had happened. She began walking back to her chambers, she had to find Jamie.

As she turned to corner to start climbing the stairs. A large figure grabbed her, one of his hand covered her mouth while the other grasped her around her waist and arms, holding her tight in his grip.

Sansa's eyes filled with terror, she tried to break free of his hold, but the more she struggled, the less she could move. She could still hear the bells ringing violently, the ringing filled her ears.

It was the last noise she heard as the figure slammed her head against the stone wall, and everything went dark.

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