Chapter 24

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Sansa's knees were bunched up to her chest, she hadn't moved since Ramsay had left. She could hardly bring herself to blink, all she could picture was his face. She looked down to her arms, there were red marks which were already turning to a deep purple colour.

She wished she could say that it couldn't get worse, but she knew it could, the next time he came it would be worse. And the next time, and the time after that, until there was nothing left of her.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, scarcely grazing the cut on her brow. Picking herself up off the floor, she walked across to the window, the first rays of the sun were starting to hit the oceans surface, lighting up the tips of the waves as they crashed against the  side of the ship.

She stared across the sea, wishing she was anywhere but here, she thought about Jamie, he was probably glad that she had escaped Kingslanding. All of his problems would of been solved, after all she was only the little Stark girl who had been cast aside, she was nothing to him.

She almost didn't hear the doors being unlocked. She didn't dare to turn around, his face was enough to send a shot of terror through her.

"My Lady, I trust you slept well" Sansa turned in surprise to see Baelish, she had almost forgotten about him. She remained silent, she may be frightened of Ramsay but she was more frightened of Baelish, he was the one that let Ramsay do this, one word from him and it would of been over.

Baelish scanned his eyes over Sansa's bruises which were turning a plum colour. "I'm sorry about his behaviour" Sansa doubted his sincerity very much.

"Where are you taking me?" She dared to look him in the eye, she may be scared of him but he was the only one who knew of her family's survival. "You don't need to know that, all you need to remember is your family" Sansa looked away from him, he was never one to give a straight answer.

She felt him lay his hand on her arm, looking back in to his eyes, she stayed quiet for a moment "What do you want?" She questioned, Baelish smiled.



Jamie looked across the blackwater, the smoke was still rising from the ashes of the burnt ships. The smell of smoke filled his lungs, leaving him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

All he could think of was Sansa, where she was and the last words he had spoken to her. She hated him, he should of known that all along. Everything she had said about him was true, if it weren't for him then she would still have a family.

It didn't matter how many time he told himself that she hated him, he still loved her, and wherever she was, he needed to get her somewhere safe... wherever that was.


Sorry it's a short chapter but lots of you have been asking for an update so I was mid writing this chapter, sorry I don't post regular updates but I don't want to rush the story and I like to go through and edit each chapter to make sure it's right so it takes a little longer, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)x

Last chance for honourNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ