Chapter 10

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"We don't have to go, I'm sure I could find an appropriate excuse" Sansa shook her head at Jamie "No we have to go." She was wearing a mulberry coloured dress which wrapped around her slim waist. Jamie helped her clasp her necklace around her neck.

After the Ceremony Jamie and Sansa sat at the end of the long table, seating all of the Noble families, Lannisters, Baratheons and the Tyrells. Margery and Joffrey were seated together in the middle. All the other guest were sat at huge, long tables extending from one half of the courtyard to the other.

Olenna Tyrell wandered over to Sansa smiling "I haven't had the opportunity to tell you how sorry I am for what happened to your brother, war is war..." She glanced at Jamie, she gently placed the back of her finger against Sansa's cheek, and flowed it through her hair. "but killing a man at a wedding, horrid. What sort of monster would do such a thing?" Olenna gently grazed her hand over Sansa's necklace, Sansa pressed her lips together and gave her a soft smile.

After she had walked away Sansa and Jamie sat in silence. "Will you excuse me, My Lord?" Jamie nodded and watched her walk away, he was quite relieved she had gone he never knew what to say. He could feel Cersei's glare that bore into him, from over her wine cup.

"Lady Sansa?" Sansa turned her head towards the foreign voice. "Prince Oberyn" he smiled towards her. "Are you having a nice time?" She smiled "yes thankyou and yourself-" Oberyn swiftly interrupted.
"You've just lied to me, do you think it is acceptable to lie to a Prince?" His lips were still formed in a smile. "I didn't lie... I-" Sansa stuttered.

"You have been forced to marry into the family responsible for your family's death, how could you enjoy sitting with them?" His tone became more serious now. Sansa furrowed her brow.

"I thought..." Sansa started, until she was interrupted by Oberyn. "You thought what? That it was Walder Frey who slaughtered your Mother and Brother... Do you think he could do it alone?" He cocked his glance back to Sansa "tell me who has the most power in Kingslanding... In the whole of Westeros?" He didn't wait for a reply "Tywin Lannister" Sansa looked up at him for a moment then up to Tywin. "They'll all do anything for power." He whispered in her ear "even Jamie".

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