I looked up at the building. Police cars lined the side of the street. I took a deep breath and walked inside. I'm doing what's best for my son. Right?

"How can I help you?" An officer pulled me from my thoughts.

"Our son is missing."

"Follow me."

We walked into a room and the officer shut the door. He sat down and pulled out a notebook.

"Start from the beginning and don't leave out any details." The officer looked at me and Chris.


"Well I'm glad you reported this to us. Nicole Diaz is actually a wanted woman right now. She escaped from the Virginia state women's prison."

My eyes grew wide and I looked at Chris.

"This may be a rough time but don't worry. We are here to help you. This kidnapping is going out as we speak. You'll have your son back in no time."

After over 3 hours, we were finally leaving the police station. I looked out of the window as Chris drove.

"You ok?" Chris rubbed my thigh

I looked over at him and slightly smiled. "Yea. I'm fine."

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered the call.


"So you went to the cops huh? That's cool. Let's play then."

The call ended and I removed the phone from my ear, looking at the screen.

"Who was that?"

"I think it was Nicole." I looked over at him.

"Crazy bitch." He commented as he pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store.

We both got out of the car and Chris pressed the button on his keys to lock the car.

"What is that noise?" I looked up at Chris. "Did you leave your door open?"

He walked around and checked "No." he shook his head.

He pressed the lock button again and the noise stopped. He shrugged then began walking down the parking lot.

He grabbed my hand and held it as we walked.

As we approached the entrance, there was a loud noise and car alarms started going off.

We quickly turned around and Chris' car was on fire.

I stood there froze as he ran back to his car. I looked around me and spotted a man smiling and walking away.

I ran behind him and jumped on his back, choking him.

We both fell to the ground.

"Where is she?!" I screamed

He only laughed.

I slammed his head into the pavement. Tears blurred my vision. I felt myself being pulled off of him. I didn't even fight it. I released my grip from his shirt.

"My fucking car!" I heard Chris yell.

I sat on the ground and sobbed. I have no more fight left in me. I just want my son back.

Chris walked over and picked me up.

"Stop crying. We got this. This bitch just playing dirty. But if its a game she wants, then so be it."

"I can't. I can't do this anymore. I can only take so much."

He sighed. "I got a ride coming to pick us up right now. Just relax"

"Relax? How the fuck can I relax, Chris? I've been through so much shit my entire life."

"I know babe."

"No the fuck you don't! You don't know how it feels to be in grade school looking forward to lunch cause thats the only meal you get a day! You don't know how it feels to be made fun of cause you wore the same clothes everyday. You don't fucking know how it feels to go through a quarter of the shit I been through! And now this?" I shook my head and walked away

"Where you going?" Chris grabbed my arm

"I don't know. I just want to be alone."

Saving Kamden | Cell 118 SequelWhere stories live. Discover now