"Don't you think it's kind of weird?"

"No. He wants to get it over with before he heads back to work."

"Oh okay. Well call me back when you're ready to shop."

"Okay." I said and ended our call.

Before heading to the school I stopped at the gas station to buy a box of donuts for my class. When I entered the gas station I went straight over to the donuts.

"Let's see... glazed? Or sprinkles?" I asked myself.

"Sprinkles." A voice from behind said. I turned and saw King.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you're stalking me." I told him and grabbed the box of donuts with the sprinkles on top.

He chuckled. "No. I'm not stalking you at all."

I laughed. "Well since you're here I was wondering if you wanted to come to my wedding? It's going to be next week in Hawaii. I can buy your plane ticket."

"Monica you're really about to marry this man?"

"Yes I surely am."

He sighed and rubbed his temple with his hand.

"Do you have a problem with it or something?"

"He's not any good Mo."

I laughed. "You're just saying that because you don't want me to be him."  I started walking away but King stopped me by grabbing my shoulder.

"Listen to me Mo. Something doesn't seem right about him. I got that feeling-"

"Goodbye Kingston." I payed for the dozen donuts and left the gas station.

King has no idea what he's talking about.



"Bye Miss Monroe."

"Bye bye. Have a good weekend." I waved goodbye to a student.

I only had one student left at school. Her mom is always late.

"Gosh where is your mom Julia?" I asked her and looked down at my watch.

She shrugged. "My mommy is always busy. She might be picking my baby brother up from day care."

"Your mommy had another baby?"

Julia nodded.

"What's your mother's name again?"

"Nicole." Julia told me.

I nodded and sat outside the school still waiting for her mom to arrive. More time passed and I had other things to accomplish today.

"Julia do you know your daddy's number? He needs to come pick you up."

Julia shook her head no.

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