Chapter Two

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Katherine breathed a sigh of relief as she walked into her house and closed the door behind her. 'It's great being home and not being bored to death in college.' Katherine thought, dropping her bag down beside the hallway table, which was next to the lounge doorway, and tossed her house and car keys into the little bowl atop the table.

Walking into the kitchen, Katherine saw her mother, Anne-Marie, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island, reading, what Katherine presumed to be, her newest novel and drinking a cup of coffee. Anne-Marie was an avid reader, and when she wasn't doing odd jobs around the house or working in the garden then you more often then not would catch her reading a book somewhere around the house.

“Did you make it to your class on time today Kitty?” Anne-Marie asked her daughter without looking up from her book.

“How does everyone know it's me without even looking up.” Katherine grumbled, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

“Maybe it's because we're all actually psychic.” Stephen answered, kissing Katherine on the cheek as he walked into the kitchen.

“Please stop teasing Kitty, Stephen.” Anne-Marie smiled as she glanced up from the page she was reading, at the two of them. “Besides,” Anne-Marie grinned. “I'm not psychic...I'm clairvoyant.”

“Ha Ha.” Katherine mumbled, pushing herself off of the kitchen counter, as Stephen erupted into boisterous laughter. “At least I know that all I'm good for is comedic effect.” Katherine muttered.

“Aww, oh come on Kitty. You know we're only playing with you.” Her mother said, seeing the sadness in her brown eyes. “Whatever,” Anne-Marie heard her daughter mutter as she walked out of the kitchen. Anne-Marie sighed. “Sometimes she can be so...soft -skinned. I don't know how she can let so much stuff just roll off her back, and then let the most simplest and silly things get to her.”

Stephen shrugged. “Your daughter is one of a kind.” He replied giving Anne-Marie's shoulder a gentle, friendly squeeze as he too left the kitchen. 


Silently slipping into Katherine's room, Lily soundlessly walked over to Katherine's bed, where the person in question was currently fast asleep. Softly Lily slipped the pillow from under Katherine's head and swiftly hit her head with it. Katherine jerked awake and sat up, the pillow falling to her lap. “Wha?” Katherine groaned, rubbing her head and looked in Lily's direction. Lily stood at her bedside, hands on her hips and fuming. “How could you leave without me?!” Lily shouted down at Katherine. Rubbing her eyes, Katherine replied.” I thought you had a shift at the garage after class.”

“I told you I didn't, seeing as Stephen decided to close up early.” Lily explained.

“Huh,” Katherine replied stupidly, tilting her head to the side. “That's why Stephen was here earlier then usual.” Lily nodded her head at her as if she was speaking to a toddler.

Katherine shook her head. “Anyway, you didn't tell me anything about not having a shift today, or I would've remembered. Lily crossed her arms, a soft frown creasing her forehead as she thought hard. “Are you sure I never mentioned anything?” Katherine nodded. “When have I never waited for you?” Lily sighed, unfolding her arms. “Good point.” Katherine smiled and pulled Lily's arm until she was sitting on her bed. “So did someone give you a lift or did you walk here?” Lily shook her head. “No, Aimee gave me a lift.”

“Aimee? But isn't it a little out of her way?” Katherine asked quizzically. Lily shrugged. “She said she was headed her anyway. Said she and the boys were coming over for dinner.”

“Really.” Katherine said, grinning goofily. Lily rolled her rolled her eyes. “Yes sis, really. Gosh people would think you hadn't seen them for years, with the way you react. It hasn't been that long since they were last here.”

“Two weeks Lil. I haven't seen therm for two weeks. And compared to before, when they all used to live here, that is a long time to me.” Katherine pouted.

Lily sighed getting up and heading to the door. “Well anyway, they should be here soon, so I'm going to take a shower.”

“All right.” Katherine said as Lily walked out of her bedroom.

After sitting on her bed for a while, Katherine got up and decided she also needed a shower especially after working in the garage that morning, and headed to her bathroom.

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