Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Katherine and Lily collapsed back onto Katherine's bed, totally exhausted after two long days searching and failing to to find a suitable dance space which Nate could use to teach his dance classes.

After Anne-Marie had dropped that bomb on them about having to help Nate find a dance space two days ago, they had immediately run after her; bombarding her with endless questions on  'why did they have to help him', and that 'surely he could do it on his own, or get someone else to help him.' But Anne-Marie had been adamant that Katherine and Lily had to do it and with no further explanations on why them, they had, had no choice but to begrudgingly agree to do it. Obviously Katherine and Lily had made Stephen, Aimee, Rhys, Kurt and Eddie help them, without Anne-Marie's knowledge of course, although Katherine suspected that Anne-Marie knew nonetheless. But even with the extra help they had been less then helpful. Well Aimee was a little helpful actually, as she had been the one to tell Katherine and Lily the best websites to look through, from her days of apartment hunting while she had lived with Katherine's family. But other then that it was just Katherine, Lily and Nate, and they had yet to find a space. Which was mainly down to Nate.

“Aargh! Why does Nate have to be so choosy.” Katherine screamed in frustration.

“I know what you mean. Surely one of those places would've been suitable. I mean even I though that last place would've been great.” Lily grumbled, huffing as she closed her eyes in exasperation.

“I know right.” Katherine groaned.

“Right. It's bad enough having to do these dance classes, but also having to find a space for him as well is just too much.” Lily sighed.

“Argh. I know.” Katherine replied, as she slipped her shoes and socks off and massaged the dull ache in her feet. “I mean what's wrong with just sticking with the space he's using at the gym in town.”

Lily shrugged shaking her head, as she also slipped off her shoes and socks and got up off of Katherine's bed. “I don't know, but having to do all of this walking around as well as the dancing is really killing my feet.”

“Don't I know it.” Katherine said, eyeing a particularly painful blister on her big toe, hoping the death glare she was giving to the blister in question would make it disappear.

Snickering as Lily watched Katherine having her little death glare off with her blister, Lily said. “I don't think your death glare is helping to get rid of your blister.”

“A girl can hope.” Katherine sighed, admitting silent defeat with her blister.

“Anyway sis, I'm going to take a bath and soak my aching feet. I'll meet you back in here in an hour, and we can continue or hunt for a dance space for Nate then, yeah?” Lily asked, as she headed for Katherine's bedroom door.

“Yeah, that's fine.” Katherine replied.

Nodding, Lily walked out Katherine's room, closing the door behind her. Stretching, Katherine got up and headed for her own bathroom. Knowing a bath would be absolutely heavenly for her aching feet and tired body as well.

Setting a nice, hot bubble-bath for herself, Katherine stripped out of her clothes and tossed them into the hamper beside her sink, and sank down into the bath. Sighing in pleasure as she relaxed back and closed her eyes. 'Dancing is a killer on the body, but more so on the feet.' Katherine thought to herself, lifting her foot out of the water and wiggling her toes, before lowering her foot back into the water. Even though Katherine wasn't fond of dancing, she had to give dancers their dues, because it sure as hell wasn't the easiest thing to do, but they danced and they loved doing it, no matter how painful it was.

Katherine wasn't sure how long she'd been in the bath, but the water was beginning to turn lukewarm, and although she would've loved to stay longer in the bath, she knew that Lily was most likely already waiting in her room for her. So sighing, Katherine unwillingly got out of the bath, wrapping a towel around her body and grabbing another towel, she started drying her body.

Dried and dressed in loose grey sweat pants and a green tank top, Katherine walked out into her bedroom, and as she had suspected, Lily was lounged across her sofa, immersed in a book.

Anne-Marie wasn't the only one who had a love of reading. Katherine and Lily, as well as Carly loved to read, but whereas Katherine was a bit of a slow reader, Lily seemed to zoom through them like lightning. Which was evident because Katherine could see that Lily only had a few more pages left, and she knew for a fact that Lily had only started reading it yesterday evening.

“You're nearly finished with that book already Lil'?” Katherine stated, walking over to her bed and sitting down right in the centre of it, before reaching over to her night-stand and getting her laptop and placing it down in front of her on the bed and powering it up.

“Yeah well...” Lily sighed trailing off as she turned to the final page, totally engrossed in the last couple of paragraphs of her book.

Her laptop finally completely powered up, Katherine wasted no time in searching for any available hall space of some sort to rent or buy. Surprisingly there were a few spaces that were quite good, so Katherine noted them down and bookmarked the pages of the places she thought would be suitable so that she could show Nate later.

“Any luck?” Lily asked, flopping down beside Katherine, and putting down her now finished book beside her.

“Yeah. There's a few that I think could work. It's just to show them to Nate.” Katherine replied as she continued to scroll through the places.

“Here's hoping he actually likes one of these places.” Lily said. “Wait – scroll back up.” Lily exclaimed suddenly, startling Katherine a little bit before doing as Lily asked.

Katherine had already decided that this would be the last page she scrolled through, as this was beginning to bore her, and all she really wanted to do was curl up under her covers and sleep. She was so tired.

“That one.” Lily said, pointing at a picture on the screen that looked absolutely ideal.

“Oh wow. That looks like it would be the perfect place.” Katherine said as she clicked on an enlargement of the image.

The place looked perfect, and Katherine knew that if Nate didn't like this place she would personally maim him. The place looked like it was either on the second or third floor of a building, with a high ceiling and floor to ceiling windows; and from what Katherine could see of the flooring, it looked like the place had hardwood flooring. But what Katherine liked most of the place was the windows; because it looked like there would be an amazing view of the town from there.

“This looks great, I can't believe I didn't see it before.” Katherine smiled, as she gushed at the picture.

“Yeah. I have to admit, it does look perfect. That's what made me notice it. Well, that and the windows. I bet it has an amazing view of the town. Anyway, let's just hope Nate likes it too.” Lily replied, still gazing at the image.

Katherine grinned inwardly at Lily's comment of the windows. It never ceases to amaze her how their thoughts on things almost always seemed to be the same. 

“If he doesn't like this one or any of the other ones, then he can continue looking for a place by himself, because my patience with all of this has ground down low.” Katherine scoffed, as she made note of where the place was and closed her laptop, putting it back on her night-stand.

Collapsing back on her bed, Katherine let out a long, tired sigh, closing her eyes. “I'm never doing anything like this again. It's way too exhausting.” 

A/N: Short chapter this week. Hopefully the next one will be longer. I've already started writing the next chapter, but I'll most likely update 'The Businessman and The Former Librarian' before I update this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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