Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Leaning against the door-frame of Nate's room Katherine smiled. She would never have guessed. The song coming to an end, she watched Nate finish and said. “I didn't know you danced.”

Nate grinned, breathing heavily and turned to face Katherine. “Yeah well.”

“How long have you danced for?” Katherine asked, walking into his room and sitting on his bed facing him.

“Nearly all my life. I started taking lessons when I was five.” Picking up his water bottle and towel from the floor, he took a seat on the window seat.

“But ballroom. Wow.” Katherine smiled and turned her head to look at Nate. “So what about your sister. Does she dance as well?”

“She used to. When she found out she was pregnant she stopped and decided to go into fashion design, which is her second passion.”

Katherine nodded and looked away, staring into nothing. After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence, Katherine got up from the bed and walked to the door.

“I thought you would have much more questions than that.” Nate grinned, wiping at the sweat on his face with his towel.

Smirking, Katherine looked at him over her shoulder. “Oh, I have much more questions. Don't worry I'll be back, I just want to wash off this grease and oil from work.”

With that she walked out of Nate's room and into her own closing the door behind her.

Her inviting bath set, Katherine took off her dirty work clothes and got into the bath relaxing back with a sigh.

She had never pegged Nate for a dancer. Of course if he was a more straight up and open person then she would've found out sooner. Although she couldn't blame him for not talking much about himself. 'And his sister,' Katherine thought to herself. 'I wonder how old she is; and her daughter. Come to think of it I don't even know how old he is himself.'

The water starting to get a little cold, Katherine washed herself with her favourite citrus scented soap and got out of the bath. Wrapping her towel around herself, Katherine walked out of her bathroom and almost jumped out of skin.

“Jesus!” Katherine exclaimed, clutching a hand to her heart. Nate looked up at Katherine from where he sat on her two-seater love seat with a grin.

Watching Nate's eyes travel her towel clad body, Katherine felt a slight blush stain her cheeks. Pissed at herself for blushing, as she never blushed, she stomped over to her dresser and collecting a fresh set of clothes, stomped back towards her bathroom. “I said I'd be back to question you further in your room not mine. Especially not when you just barge in here while I'm in the bathroom no less.” She exclaimed, slamming the bathroom door behind her and locking it.

Nate laughed breathily at Katherine's retreat and looked leisurely around her room. It sure didn't look anything like how he expected it would. He imagined it to be messy with mismatched furniture and plain walls, when in actual fact it was quite neat. Not in the whole OCD everything in it's proper precise play way, but in a normal sort of tidy way.

However the longer he sat in Katherine's room on her couch waiting for her to come back out, the more he started to realise that in a way the room did suit her. It was unique and uncharacteristically her in a way.

Finally, after five minutes Katherine emerged from the bathroom dressed in yoga pants and a tank top. Looking much more calm than when she walked, well stomped, into the bathroom; she walked passed where Nate sat and sat down on her window seat, her back leaning back against the wall and her feet propped up in front of her on the window seat as well.

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