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So, I have to brush my teeth with an electric toothbrush in the evening, since I need to take care of my teeth and all that shît.

And my parents always tell me to "just hurry up and do it". It's not that easy.

You see, I seriously don't like electric toothbrushes, they make me feel super uncomfortable.

Therefore the only way for me to do it without taking forever, is my looking at the clock in the bathroom. I wait until the hand that counts seconds is at either 12 or 6, and then I have to turn on the toothbrush.

My dad noticed that I would always look at the clock and told me that if I continued doing that I would develop OCD.

I'm not, I just have a really hard time turning it on.

He then proceeded to turn the clock around (keep in mind this is a pretty small clock) so that I can't see the hands. That made it take longer than usual for me to turn it on.

I just can't take the thought of willingly putting an object that that moves in my mouth (wow that sounded dirty).

Something about it creeps me out. I still do it though, since I don't want holes.

Moral of the story, sometimes it's better just to let people do things the way they're comfortable doing it, instead of forcing them to do it another way.

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