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You know, almost all of the people I know thinks I'm this strong person with no worries whatsoever. But, that's not the case.

Recently I've begun to feel more nervous than usual about being with people. I can't be in a group with more than five people without wanting to retreat into an invisible shell and just disappear.

And it gets worse if I have to speak in front of my class. Last time I had to I shook really badly and began to cry.

My mind just went blank. I couldn't think and almost lost my voice, only able to send a silent plea to my friends and teacher, hoping that I wouldn't have to do it.

Though this is the opposite of something I said in an earlier chapter, I said I didn't care about what other people think. The truth is, I care way to much for my own good.

I think maybe the stress of growing up and having more responsibilities is taking a toll on my body.

I've begun regretting almost everything I do just mere hours after doing so. I think too much about the things I have to do so they just hang thick in the air.

And it really doesn't help that I have a little problem named 'procrastination'. I'll just push everything back so I won't have to deal with it. But I always have a little voice in my head reminding me every two minutes, and that stresses me out.

The only way for me to escape is by either watching subbed anime or reading a book. If I do that then my brain has to concentrate on that instead of everything else, even if it's just for a couple of minutes.

If there is anyone reading this that might be able to tell me some ways to get over stress, please do so. I'm begging you.

My mind can't handle being under pressure so anything to make me calm down would be like heaven

- A stressed person

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