Comforting Lies

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Yuri had no idea how to tell Otabek so he didn't. He ignored him all day and decided to go talk to some friends. He walked up to their door on shaky legs. He hesitantly rang the doorbell and Victor answered. "Yurio! It's so nice to see you!" The alpha exclaimed. "Please come in!" Yuri rolled his eyes and stepped inside. "Is Yuuri home?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

Victor saw the omega's expression change and frowned. "Is everything okay Yurio?" He asked gently. "No. No it's not," he snapped. "Now is Yuuri home or not?"

Victor opened his mouth to answer, but just then the other omega entered the room. "Yurio please don't shout," he said with a yawn. "I just put Katsu down for his nap."

"Yuuri you look exhausted," Victor said and softly kissed his omega. "I'll cook dinner tonight you rest." Yuuri whined. "But if you cook dinner then it won't be good..." Victor sighed. "Okay how about I pick something up?" Yuuri nodded. Victor gave him one last kiss, before leaving the two omegas to talk.

Yuuri practically collapsed on the couch. "What's wrong Yurio?" He asked as the blonde sat down beside of him. "If I tell you then you have to swear not to tell anyone," Yuri said sternly. The other omega nodded a little. "Okay I swear I won't tell," Yuuri said.

Yuri took a deep breath and let it out. "I found out that I'm an omega-"

"There's nothing wrong with that," Yuuri said gently. "I know that really wanted to be an alpha-"
Yuri groaned and rolled his eyes. "No." He interrupted before he went on life has plans for you speech or something else like that. "That's not the point."

Yuuri frowned. "Then-"

"I'm pregnant," he said as he looked down at his hands. Yuuri's eyes widened. He was definitely awake now. "And I don't know what to do..." Tears stung his eyes and he clenched his fists. He was so lost and didn't have a clue. That's why he came, to get advice.

"Well, you do have a few choices," Yuuri said gently. "You can give birth to the child and keep it. You can also have the child and put it up for adoption. Or you could get an abortion..."

Yuri just started crying, he couldn't stop himself. He couldn't hold back anymore. "I don't know! Okay?! I just don't know!" He exclaimed and wiped at his eyes.

Yuuri felt sorry for him. "You don't have to decide right now..." he said. "You can take some time." Yuri sniffled and forced back his tears. "Otabek is the father and he doesn't know," he blurted out.

"Oh, Yurio..." Yuuri said. "You have to tell him, I mean he is the father." Yurio shook his head. "I don't know how to do that either," he muttered. "What if hates me?"

"I doubt that Otabek could ever hate you," Yuuri said. "He might not take it well, but he won't hate you." Yuri sighed and just stared down at his feet.

Yuuri frowned and gently grabbed the other omega's hand. "No matter what," he said gently. "I'm here for you and so is Victor. Everything will turn out all right in the end, I promise you." Yuri nodded. "I'm just scared..." he admitted to the other omega. Yuuri let out a small sigh. "I understand," he said softly. "I know that it's scary. I think being pregnant at any age is scary. You have us though Yurio. You are not only in this okay?"

Yuri wiped his again and blinked away his tears. "Okay," he whispered. "And we will support you no matter what you're decision is alright?" Yuuri said gently. The blonde nodded. "Alright," he whispered.

Otabek tried and tried all day to get ahold of Yuri. No answer. He went over to Yuri's house only to find out that he wasn't there. Yuri not talking to him was driving him insane. Was he okay? Was he lost or hurt? Otabek had no idea and he was worried sick. If Yuri was ignoring him, he wouldn't do it forever right? No, he couldn't. He wouldn't.

Still there was another thing bothering Otabek. There was a chance that Yuri was pregnant. Had he taken the test yet? He didn't know.

Finally Otabek decided to go see Yuuri and Victor, there was a chance that Yuri might be there. He got there and knocked on the door. Victor answered. "Hello Otabek," he said with a smile.

"Hi," he said. "Is Yuri here?" Victor's smile faded. "Oh I'm sorry but you just missed him."

"Did he say where he was going?" Otabek asked and bite his lip. Victor shook his head. "Home would be my guess," he said.

Otabek let out a sigh and went back to Yuri's place. So Yuri was avoiding him. He wasn't though, he just had to know if Yuri was okay. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked louder and this time Yuri answer. Otabek tackled the omega in a hug. "Yuri I was so worried about you," said the alpha and he squeezed his eyes shut before the tears could fall. He was so relieved that Yuri was okay. Yuri wrapped his arms around his friend and chewed on his lip nervously. How could he tell Otabek that he was pregnant? He couldn't. He just couldn't.

"I'm fine Otabek," he said and tried his best not to make it sound like a lie. He felt better after his talk with Yuuri. Even if Otabek did leave him, which would hurt like hell, he still had two people in his life who would be there for him no matter what; and that reassured him a little bit.

Otabek pulled away and stared into Yuri's eyes. "Have you taken the pregnancy test yet?" He asked. Yuri didn't want to lie to his best friend, but he didn't know how to tell him the truth...

"Yes," he said. "I did." Otabek's eyes widened. "And?" He asked. Yuri could see that he was anxious and scared. Yuri didn't have time to prepare himself for this. He couldn't just Otabek that he would tell him later and send him home. Otabek needed answer right then and there.

"I'm not pregnant," Yuri said.

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