Positive ✔️

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Yuri didn't talk about it. Otabek didn't talk about it. Neither of them brought up what had happened between them during those few days. Otabek came up with lies to tell his parents and Mila. His parents bought it. Mila totally believed him, and now she's his girlfriend.

Yuri wasn't really sure why, but Otabek being with Mila made him sick to his stomach. Well actually, he's been really sick recently and he doesn't really know why. Mila seems to be making Otabek happy, so Yuri pretended to be happy for them.

Otabek liked Mila. She was cute, sweet, funny, and really nice... but she wasn't who he loved. Otabek was still in love with Yuri. He wanted to talk about what happened, he also wanted to confess his love, but he couldn't bring himself to do either of those things.

Otabek was starting to wonder if he would ever tell Yuri his feelings. Otabek knew the reason why he was holding back; he didn't want to hear Yuri say "I don't love you..."

Finally Otabek found his courage. He was finally going to tell his best friend how he truly felt. Everything in the world seemed to be right. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the weather was just fine.

Otabek didn't bother taking his bike to Yuri's house. He was so pumped that he ran the whole way there with the stupidest I'm in love smile on his face.

Otabek could hear his heart pounding louder and louder the closer he got. He ran up the steps to Yuri's house and knocked on the door.

Yuri answered and he looked beautiful, just like he always does. Otabek was still smiling. "Yuri there's something I have to tell you," he said. "And please don't say anything until I'm done." He took a deep breath.

"Yuri Plisetsky," he said. "I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for the past two years... actually I've probably been in love with you since the day we met. I love you. I love everything about you and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I've been so scared to tell you. I'm crazy about you Yuri. There's a reason why I don't date anyone, I'm only interested in you. I want to be more than your friend, I want to be your boyfriend Yuri..."

Suddenly the sky darkened and thunder rolled in. Yuri just stared at him. "I'm sorry Otabek," he said gently. "I don't love you..."

SNAP! Otabek' s heart broke in two. Rain started pouring down and he just started at the love of his life with no words. "I hope we can still be friends," he said before shutting the door in Otabek's face.

Otabek felt like his whole world came crashing down before his eyes and everything faded to black...

It was a reoccurring nightmare that Otabek had quite often. He would fall asleep wishing Yuri was beside him and he was holding the smaller boy in his arms, and then he would dream about telling Yuri his feelings and getting rejected, then he would wake up sobbing and clutching a pillow to his chest.

Every moment spent with Mila felt like a waste. Even with her, Yuri was on his mind. Otabek couldn't help it. He knew that he was forcing himself to be with her as an attempt to get over his best friend; but every day it was a failed attempt. If Otabek couldn't confess his feelings then he wanted them to just go away.

Yuri was getting concerned. He was sick almost every morning and he didn't know why. He decided to Google it around 2am when he couldn't sleep. Yuri couldn't believe his eyes when the screen said he was pregnant. It couldn't be...

Then it clicked. The blonde had forced himself to forget what happened during his heat between him and his best friend. He would have to talk to Otabek about it. He was going to call Otabek until he saw the time. He decided he would talk to his friend when at school.

Morning always came too early for Yuri. He let Otabek take him to school, but he stayed quiet up until lunch. He dragged his friend out of the lunch room and under the stairwell. "Yuri?" Otabek questioned, not sure of what was going on.

"O-Otabek..." Yuri said, his voice a whisper. "You remember what we did during my heat? We didn't use protection, did we?"

Otabek's eyes went wide. Out of all the times he replayed what happened in his mind, that never occurred to him. He swallowed. "You... you don't think t-that that you're...?" Otabek couldn't bring himself to say it. Tears started to fill Yuri's eyes. "I don't know," he whispered. "I've been feeling pretty sick recently and throwing up in the mornings, and when I googled it..." his voice cracked.

Otabek bit his lip hard and cursed himself. You're a fucking idiot. How could you not realize this sooner?! He would finish chewing himself out later. Right now he had to take care of Yuri, like he always did. He pulled Yuri into his arms and hugged him tight. "Yuri," Otabek whispered softly. "I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. No matter what." Yuri clung to his friend and refused to cry. He couldn't. Not there, not then.

"Thank you Otabek," he whispered, his voice shaky. He decided that he would take a pregnancy test after school. No way in hell was he going to go buy it though, but if he didn't then he would either have to tell someone else, or have Otabek to do it. He didn't want word to get around so he had Otabek to do it.

Otabek nearly fainted when buying it. He kept waiting for his alarm to go off so he could wake up, but he knew that it wouldn't happen. That was reality and he just had to face it. He brought the pregnancy test to Yuri.

"Are you going to take it now?" He asked and the blonde shook his head. "No," he said. "I'm going to do it later tonight."

Otabek went back home and he waited and waited and waited for Yuri to call. He was scared of what the answer would be. All of Otabek hoped that it would turn out to be negative, except for a small part of him. A small part of Otabek hoped that the test would come out positive... and maybe... then he could have Yuri...

The idea seemed crazy, but not impossible... At least to Otabek.

4am. Yuri waited as long as he could. He had to. He took the test and thought he was going to die. Yuri was indeed pregnant.

It Started With a Kiss, How Did it End Up Like This? (Otayuri) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt