"No, nothing yet. Maybe Happy will take me out but he's not really smart in that department. I would have to drop major hints that he should take me out. At least he knows when my birthday is. He asked me what I wanted and I said a dog so fingers crossed that it happens." Val smiled at the memory. They were laying in bed, he just got back from doing something for the club and he asked her what she wanted for her birthday. Of course she would say a dog and Happy blow it off. But the conversation from earlier today told her that there might be a chance that she'll get one. 

"You think he'll get you one?" Wendy asked. This is the first time since Valentine walked in the kitchen that she spoke. Wendy felt horrible for what she said to the girl that last time they talked. She was out of line and was in the wrong head space. Now that her and Jax were getting a divorce and she's pregnant with his child everything got really tense. Wendy always liked the girl but she knew that Val didn't like her. She didn't really know why but she hoped that they could fix their relationship. Valentine tried not to be bitter to her sister in law that was next to her but it was way to hard. Maybe she was just being salty towards her because of what happened with her brother. Or maybe because she was a junkie carrying her niece or nephew.

"Maybe. He said today that he would have to pick the breed of dog but I can pick everything else." Val wanted to tell them that she was going to move in with him but it didn't feel right. The club was going through shit and her personal news would have to wait until it was the right time.   

The conversation ended and they want on to talk about other things. Val was done making the salad and was now boiling water in three big stock pots for the noodles. The guys went in church around 6:30 and now it was 7 o'clock and she heard the chapel doors open. She looked for Happy spotting him talking to a blonde guy from Washington. Happy's face was stern and showed no emotion. He was a different man in front of his brothers. It was weird to see him like that now that she was use to seeing him out of killing mode. She still didn't know fully what he did for the club. Either way she put the noodles into the pots and cheeked them ever so often. 

The clubhouse was filled with people and all those people needed to be feed. Gemma started to set everything up from people to come get their food and eat. She put out paper plates and bowls along with plastic sliver wear. Drinks had their own table outside of the kitchen and so did the food and the plates. Val grabbed the salad and salad dressing out from the fridge and set them out of the food table. Wendy grabbed the three oven sheets of bread and put all the bread into bowls lined with paper towels. Next came the sauce and meatballs that were in one huge pot. Lastly the noodles in another huge pot. 

"Kids eat first!" Gemma yelled over the many voices of the club. The ten kids that were there came up and got their food. Next the men and last the woman. It was how every lock down happened. The kids always ate first and than the men. Val asked when she was little why that happened and Gemma just answered because that's the way it is. But when she asked Clay he said that it was how her family always did it when Gemma was little. After that she never questioned it. 

Valentine not seeing any more seats went behind the bar and eat. There was a ledge where the alcohol was so she pushed her self up and began eating. She didn't know where Happy was and she wasn't about to go through the huge amount of people to go look for him. There wasn't a lot of crow eaters here and all the crow eaters that where there know that her and Happy are together so she only had a little to worry about. 

"Your Happy's old lady right? I'm Kozik." Valentine looked up at the man that spoke to her. It was the man that Happy was talking to before. 

"Yeah I'm Valentine." She smiled at the man and he blushed a little. 

"Why would you get with that ugly mother fucker?" He asked. Before she knew Happy smacked him on the back of his head. Valentines cheek grew red once again and laughed a little. 

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