"Girl what are you worrying about being healthy for? You're a preschool teacher. I'm a model. I should be the main one thinking healthy."

I started laughing and took a sip of the coke I had ordered. I continued scanning the menu when I heard familiar voices.

"I hate this place."

"If you didn't want to come you should have been the one driving."

My attention was pulled towards the entrance of the restaurant. I saw Nick, King, Jo, and Tony enter. Oh boy.

"Are you ladies ready to order?" Our waitress asked us with a smile on her face.

"I'll just have a burger with no onions and no pickles with fries on the side." I said and handed her the menu.

"Okay. And for you?" She asked Morg.

"I'll have the same." Morgan turned in her menu as well.

"Okay. I'll have that right out for you two."

"Thank you." We both thanked our waitress.

Morgan took a sip of her water. "Hey. Is that King?" She asked looking behind me.

I slightly turned and noticed him sitting in a booth behind us. "Mhm that's him." I sipped from my drink.

"Oh my gosh. When did he come back to town?"

I shrugged.

"Hey King." Morgan simi yelled.

"Morg. No don't get his attention." I whispered to her trying to hide my face.

It was too late because King had already gotten up from his table and was heading over here.

"Wassup Morgan. And hey Monica." King spoke to me.

"Hi." I said.

"How long are you in town?" Morgan kept the conversation going with him.

"Just for a week."

"Oh okay. What's the reason?"

"What? I can't just come visit?"

Morgan laughed. "Well I guess that's a good reason."

The waitress brought our food to the table. Thank the lord.

"I'll let you two eat." King said and headed back over to his table.

"Um Morgan what the hell was that?"

"That was me being friendly."

I rolled my eyes.

"What girl?"

"I just feel so uncomfortable around him." I confessed.

"Don't even try that missy." Morg laughed.

"Try what? I don't like being around him."

"Says the one who was obsessed with him."

"Key word, was."

"Mhm. Keep telling yourself lies."

I don't know why everyone thinks that I still like King when I don't. In a couple of months I will be happily married.



After eating lunch and going shopping with Morgan the time was close to five in the afternoon. Before heading home I finally made up my mind to see my sister.

My car was parked in the parking lot of Pure Life rehab facility. I took a deep breath before grabbing my purse and stepping out of my automobile.

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