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Media: Boy – Little Mix

Coe's POV

I had been doing well. I was managing well to avoid any chance at all to speak to Jared.

But today, I know I've lost. When and with what confidence do I have to ever try to resist Jared? That man had a wealth of knowledge about the world, and about me. How was I going to fight against that?

I woke this morning, thinking it was going to be the same as the past one and a half weeks. I was going to stand my ground and be stubborn, not talk to Jared even if he pointed a gun to my head. I rehearsed what I'd do exactly so that I could annoy the heck out of Jared with just a small gesture, a glance perhaps, but no words will be exchanged between us. I planned to glare at him hatefully if I had to. I was ready to resist him anyway he possibly could get at me.

It was starting to be less about my anger against Jared, but rather to see which one of us would give in first. Either I was going to be the sucker, or Jared was going to finally apologise to me.

I really thought today was going to be the same. But Jared changed his tactics. That crafty fox.

Instead of being clingy, touchy and trying ways to annoy me into talking, Jared chose to... Could I say 'court' me? I mean, it was nothing about romance or dating. But I sure felt like a woman getting wooed. It could just be me getting all excited and letting my imagination run wild again with the possibilities with Jared.

I came downstairs, cast off of my leg, almost without a limp at all, with that scowl pronounced on my face that I had practiced so many times before. When I saw Heath sitting at the couch, I gave him a polite smile, before I walked towards the kitchen, discreetly looking out for Jared, only to find that Heath and I were alone in the living room. When I finally casted my sight back to the kitchen, I startled at what I saw.

The table was full of tickets. I approached the island, scanning the contents quickly. There were tickets for different movies, games, museums, plays, musicals, concerts, amusement parks, and God knows what else, all for the same date: today. I didn't have enough time to glance through all of it before Jared finally made his presence known.

"I didn't know what you were in the mood for. I got some of everything that was nearby. If you prefer to go for something out of the country that can be arranged to." I resisted to turn and look at him, because I know I was already swooning, and seeing his handsome face smirking back at me was not going to help matters.

Why was it that everything that his man did was always so damn excessive?

Alright, I'd admit. This was very nice of him. I could see the effort he had put in to suck up to me. Was it bad that I wanted to drag my act on longer because he was being really nice to me? Probably. Yet, I wanted to milk this for all its worth. I was going to hell.

"What is this?" I finally muttered under my breath as I stared at the tickets mindlessly.

I heard Jared take a sharp intake of breath. He must be surprised that I was finally speaking to him. I could hear and sense him take a couple of steps nearer to me, "Tickets to most, if not all the interesting things you can attend or do tonight, up until tomorrow morning." His voice sounded breathless and I could feel myself smile at the relief in his speech.

Perhaps I have gone overboard with my 'punishment'. Perhaps one and a half weeks of absolute silence towards my best friend was a wee bit too torturous, knowing well how he would take it if I kept my distance from him. Then again, if I didn't, I wouldn't realise how much power I held over Jared by just keeping my mouth shut. Hmm.

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