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How to say I love you with words that cannot reach my lips? How do I say goodbye when you have already gone? I wish that you were living, oh, how I pray you will wake and this will have all been a nightmare! That a smile will cross your lips, and your eyes will shine with a light that never seems to leave. How I wish I could hear you laugh, just hear your voice one more time! That melodic dream that seems to put men in a high they never knew until then. How I loved you, how I still do, cannot be described with the meek vocabulary that I know. 

                                                                          - Icas, January 1998, Personal Notebook

"I remember writing this." He said and I chuckled, feeling the warmth of his breath against my neck. "Ah, how lovesick you were, though I do believe you had every right." The leather book was light in my hand, and smooth as he pulled it out. He didn't seem annoyed that I had read the whole entry, or that I had found it in the first place, if anyone was to judge by his emotions one would say he was enthused by my discovery. "I always thought highly of you, even when you held a knife to my throat." He whispered and I sighed, knowing that I would love him even if I refused to admit it. "I love you Icas." I whispered back and he chuckled lightly, pulling me closer, sighing as he did so. "I'll always love you Gaetho Adellum Veleris, even if you're the death of me." 

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