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I heard movement but didn't look up from the document I was writing, so much weighed on it and Icas's signature. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up, annoyed that it had taken him so long to get here. "Icas, did Damarion not tell you it was urgent?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice, eyes locked onto the form of my oldest friend. "He told me that you wanted to see me, then suggested I wait until I was done talking to someone. What do you want Daemon?" He asked, eyes scanning the room, seeing the clutter it was in. Empty bottles of whisky and bourbon strewn about the floor, papers accompanying some of the bottles. He sighed, and met my eyes. "Read this." I pushed the document that I had been working on towards him, the ink had dried and it still rattled me to the core at the thought of doing this to my wife. 'She's your enemy Daemon, don't forget this.' I thought to myself, 'She want's your power, the power it took you so long to achieve. Besides the gods favor her more than they ever favored you, don't forget that either.' The voice in the back of my mind that whispered, the voice that I had to fight daily. 

"Daemon, what you suggest is murder. I can not kill her- the fact that Damarion signed off on it, that- that shocks me. How long have you been planning this?" He asked, his voice barely rising above a whisper. "Fifty years." I responded gravely, he breathed in sharply at my words, "How could you be so jealous of a woman who hates the people the people who treasure her? She doesn't want any more power! Can't you see that? The Ancestors-" I cut him off, voice and eyes livid, I rose, "The Ancestors control her and Damarion's fate! Not ours! They want them to kill each other, I've heard that come from both their lips! The Shadows that bow down to them are fighting back, they're fighting against Damarion! Not her! She will be the only ruler of the Shadows! Damarion is stronger he should rule!"

Icas regarded me coldly, eyes like a storm on the ocean. He was torn between the truth and his morally right conscience. "Daemon, I can not assist in this assassination. A) if the Gods trace it back to you, you will lose their favor; B) It is wrong. I don't care who rules the Shadows, they can fight to the death but I will not assist in this. You both are mad! And don't try to persuade me otherwise, I will not fall into your grasp. When she sets me aside I still will not help in your insanity. Perhaps the darkness has finally taken you and you can no longer see that she doesn't want your position." I laughed humorlessly at him, his eyes narrowed at my response, questioningly he glanced about as if he could sense Damarion's presence- he couldn't but I could. And Damarion was watching.

"Icas, my friend, she is a threat to Olympus. If she wins the fight she will have the power to destroy us all, everyone she's ever hated she can kill with a look- though she already does that, doesn't she?" I asked rhetorically, "Oh, well either way she can destroy us if she wins. Please don't help her win, you  try to mention any of this to her you will be killed before an syllables reach your tongue. Are we clear Le Deux?" I said, voice as cold as the night. He watched me warily but nodded his acceptance. "Good, you know the way out." He gave me one last look, one filled with sorrow, and turned on his heel and fled. I sighed, sitting back down, propping my elbows on my desk I rested my head in my hands. 

"Daemon, it is for the greater good, remember this." Damarion's voice soothed my nerves. I nodded, moving my head from my hands, picking up my pen again I started writing. "I see you're back from Asgard, was Grace accommodating?" I asked, quietly; I could feel his eyes boring into me, but I dared not look up for fear of regret. "She seemed eager to help us." I sighed again, it seemed I did a lot of that lately. "How sad, her own child turned against her." My voice floated softly to my ears, a mumble more than a statement. 'You will betray your lover and friend for power. How you.' I thought to myself, mind breaking down under the stress that it was now bearing. 

"You remember the plan Damarion?" I was futile for me to ask, the man had a perfect memory, but his answer would soothe me more than he would know. "Yes I do, show up at the party, catch her attention, go against the wishes of my sister and follow Gaetho. Go to the library, injure her and then disappear for a few minutes until Icas and Athena show up. Icas breaks, Athena is too numb to do anything. If Icas does not try to heal her we have 100 years of silence and no grief, if he does we only have seven." I nodded, echoing seven to myself. "You will stay in the Underworld and come as soon as word reaches that she has been 'killed,' act like a loving husband and then not visit again in order to run the Underworld. Clear?" I sighed heavily, rubbing my eyes, "Crystal." I responded. He nodded, "Good. I'll see you later then." I nodded, felt his presence fade away, and started to cry.

"Goodbye Gaetho Adellum Veleris, it was nice knowing you, love." I whispered to myself, sobs choking me to much for me to speak any more. Goodbye, I thought.

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