"When I found out it was you that did it, it ..it broke my fucking heart Austin. I was a mess coach told me I might not be able to fight if there was a drugs overdose under my name, everything I worked years for would've been taken away from me, the one thing I was good at would've been gone all because you thought so little of me, how could you even think something as so fucking dumb as that? I needed you Austin I still do, but you got it into your head that I would leave you, fuck, how do I even explain to you what you are to me Aus, how?"

A sob choked out from the others throat, "I'm sorry; so sorry for drugging you I was selfish doing that, nearly taking you away from your mum, from me. Hurting you like that, I god, just I'm sorry. Nearly destroying yours dreams, I nearly took it away from you".

Exhaling through strangled sobs he added

"Fuck and with this fight, I just wanted a way to do what you do, to be able to be in the ring with you, I've worked so hard to become like this that I just wanted to prove that I can do it.

"I know I can, and just you accepting the match is, fuck. I'm sorry baby, so fucking sorry I didn't mean it, you don't have to forgive me but just know that I am sorry".

Cain moved them to sofa close behind them, clutching the dirty blondes mans body to his chest so he flushed against him, Austin's sobbing face was pressed up into his neck with his hands holding the front of Cain's damps shirt continuously whispering a muffled I'm sorry.


Austin's breath had evened out while Cain held him, his soft breath hiccuping told him he had finished crying, stroking his thumb in the blonde's soft hair he tenderly spoke "Aus?".

Moving his arms from Cain's body he slowly moved back, still touching Cain he eased back enough for the other to see those baby blue eyes blood shot red from crying, "ca-ay" he whispered, voice hoarse from shouting.

Still playing with the others hair he gently said "I know, I know you're sorry

"I am, I am" the other insisted fresh new tears forming in Austin's eyes as he tried to interrupt Cain again "shh shh" spoke Cain as he held Austin's face again.

" I understand, don't interrupt and just let me speak right now okay?" with other staying silent he continued.

"I'm sorry too Aus, I didn't realise I was hurting you by not including you, I was upsetting the one person that was always on my side on my corner."

"I was distant so caught up with my fucking dreams, wanting it so bad for the both of us to get us out of that town, you know that right? I would've taken us everywhere, anywhere we wanted baby, we could've trained together, helped each other but fuck I don't know what to say Austin" why the fuck do I feel this way

"sa..y what" the other quietly whispered, hedging his face closer to the bigger mans.

"What is this between us? you drug me, I should fucking hate, want to hurt you so bad, but I don't what the fuck are we?"

He questioned in a low voice, aware the other man's face was close to his, yet he couldn't more like I don't want to move away, Cain found himself leaning closer his forehead resting on the others.

Gripping Cain's neck Austin slowly touched the soft skin below his short growing hair with his thumb, voice hoarse

"I know you're still my best friend, I know you're still so fucking beautiful after all these years, I know after all this I don't deserve you in my life after everything that I've done to you, but I do, baby I so fucking do".

Looking up Cain exhaled a shuddering breath, those baby blues been his light all those fucking years were now staring up at him with so much love, and now they were going to fight against each other.

Cain didn't know what to so confused, he had Noah, he hadn't know the small brunette man long but he still couldn't stop the way the other had made him feel in such a short amount of time.

Sweet, shy and mouthy not forgetting how bossy you are baby. But Cain knew he didn't love the man lust and care was between them but not love; yet anyway. But it could grow given the chance right? fuck, what do I do?

No the man he could wholeheartily say he loved was in front of him, still loving him after everything, not once did either take anything further between them, there relationship has always been just best friends, caring and loving each as they should, protecting one another.

Never fully explaining how they felt,but there was always something there, christthey even told each other they were gay first, before telling their parents and now here they were with an upcoming fight coming between them.fuck what do I do

"Cay, what are you thinking in that head of yours baby" asked Austin quietly, thumb rhythmically touching Cains neck.

Lips an inch way from the others plum ones " everything aus" the bigger man sighed.

"Don't think about this cay, never about this baby " softly spoke Austin before pressing his lips fully towards Cains.

Cain oh fuck.

# We all remember our first loves right, that shit stays with you your whole life, you just don't ever forget the first person you fell for, the one that had your heart like no other (know what I mean?) and that's what our confused baby is going through with Aus, I for one like Aus I hope some of you do too.

Comment and vote gorgeous people, I lovelove hearing what you all think. Plus thankyou for the follows, votes, comments on this story, all you sexy people are genuinely too lovely beyond words (group hug) x

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