Tentastic : no

Tentastic : omg why are u so innocently dumb

Tentastic : just don't get too close

eunsseo : I haven't had a real conversation with someone else besides you and family

eunsseo : and we usually text each other

Tentastic : can you be any more optimistic?

eunsseo : yayyyy...

Tentastic : anyways let's have lunch together tomorrow

eunsseo : no! Do you want me to suffer?

eunsseo : everyone's going to look

eunsseo : I don't want people to misunderstand

Tentastic : isn't dating me the best thing could happen?

eunsseo : ... :\

eunsseo : you know I don't look at you like that

Tentastic : what?

Tentastic : do you think I like u or something??

Tentastic : although Ik someone who might (unsent)

eunsseo : whatevs. I'll see ya tmrw


eunspirit : Doyoung

Dotokki : yes it's me the Angel of Light

eunspirit : oh hello I'm the Devil of Darkness

Dotokki : wow you're so lively today

Dotokki : what do you want?

eunspirit : ten asked me to lunch tomorrow

Dotokki : oh wow are u guys finally dating?

eunsseo : ew Doyoung

eunsseo : I'm not even legal yet

Dotokki : you're saying as if you're getting married or something

eunsseo : this is not the right time to date

eunsseo : I still have my studies

Dotokki : cut down on it or something

Dotokki : aren't you tired of studying?

Dotokki : cuz I am. I'm getting sick of seeing books

eunsseo : enough of that

eunsseo : I'm going to have lunch with you guys tomorrow

Dotokki : and?

eunsseo : wellll....for starters I'm going to have lunch with Ten and you and your other popular friends Idk whose name

Dotokki : that's good then. Let's go together. I'll wait for you in front of your class

eunsseo : why do you think it's a good idea?

eunsseo : I might get targeted

Dotokki : what are u so scared of?

Dotokki : I'll be there to protect you

eunsseo : Heol. You kinda sound cool just now

Dotokki : of course. I'm the Doyoung. The best of the best. Yes of the yes.

eunsseo : can't you just cover for me?

eunsseo : tell Ten I died or something

eunsseo : or I have explosive diarrhea

DotokkiI'll tell him you're suffering from severe foot odor

Dotokki : hugdnsj

Dotokki :

Dotokki : gjlknbjk

Dotokki : wth did u threw the pillow for?!?!?!

eunsseo : gotta luhan

eunsseo : oh gosh I miss him


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