40: Alone at a Table For Two

Start from the beginning


"Oh, yeah. That's what I called yo for."

"Wait, let me add Yao."

She added Yao to the call, they both fangirled (yes, including Yao) while I just ignored them both.

"Aru! Let me call Leon!"

I sighed and waited.

"Yo. Is your virgin ass getting some tonight?"

"NO! S-Shut up!" I fumed and rolled my eyes at the group call.

"Let me call Emil," Leon declared. I groaned at the annoyance, seriously, I just wanted to talk to Emma.

"Congrats." Emil bluntly said.

They started talking about ships, ship names and even child names. I got flustered and just-


Everyone was silent and I sighed, then spoke up, "I just wanted you guys to help me prepare for the-"

Ding dong.

The doorbell rings and I came to open it then saw them.

"We're here!" They all said in unison.

"I brought the dress!" Yao cheered.

"Where did you get the dress?" I asked.


I walk to the Japanese restaurant Abel's friend owned and saw him. I waved and we both went inside.

We both got ramen and just made fun of each other from the hard process of eating it.

We chatted about family, friends, fandoms, life and ranted about hipsters.

"So, how are the hipsters in your class like?" I asked.

"Oh, the usual. Weird posing, pretending to be sporty, messy buns, tank tops and short shorts that could let your ass be seen." He laughed at his rant, "Oh, wait I forgot..."

He breathed in and placed his hands together and made a really girly voice with a really girly face, "HASHTAG BLESS!1!!"

"Oh my god!" I laughed really hard and covered my mouth, and so did Abel. I should've gotten that moment on camera.

A moment later of laughing and ranting, the door bursted open and the bell made a loud clang, but that wasn't the thing that really surprised me.

It was the fast and heavy footsteps and the excessive crying.

When I looked to the person causing the commotion, it was Arthur. His face was red, his eyes were puffy and tears were still streaming on his face. What pities me most is about how sorrowful his eyes are and how glossed it is with tears.

"(Y/N)! Please! Come with me, we don't have much time!" He was tugging on my sleeve and Abel just looked with fear, not knowing what to do, for he knows me and Arthur are good friends.

I let go of his grasp and took steps backward, "What is wrong with you?! How'd you find me?"

"Emma told me about it and-... And it's about Alfred! Please! Just this one time!" He begged, more tears coming out.


"My immortality tools are g-gone and France's are too! They're use to kill countries or make a human a country and h-he wants to end his life with it!"

"He's going to die!?" I screamed.

"He'll have amnesia and no memory ever will come back or he'll dissolve."

I get it. They're not tools. They're battle items for past wars... That's how countries dissolve! Nico Nico Empire and Holy Rome-... So that's what happened.

My voice turned groggy and I didn't want to cry, "I-I'll go, but first..."

•Abel's POV•

America's doing this to himself...? But why? I don't need to question that. The time's finally come where (y/n) leaves me.

I sighed and went back to my own business, eating more ramen.

"But first..." (Y/n) turned around and cupped my face.

And before I knew it, she kissed me. Yep, on the lips. Score!

I mentally high-fived myself. She let go after a brief moment and softly smiled at me.

"You're a really, and I mean really handsome man, you're really brave too. You're loving, and even though you don't have much expression, you're full of life..." And before I knew it, tears started streaming down my face, she wiped them away with her thumbs and more tears keep on coming.

"I want you to find a girl who could give you her all." She kissed my forehead and ran with Arthur out of the restaurant.

I sat back on my chair and rubbed my scar on my head. A scar caused one of the said tools Arthur told (y/n) about.

Well, here I am...

Alone at a table for two...

To Be Continued...

Im crying why so fking emotional. Abel is such a smol bean. RIP Neddy.

One of my fave chapters tbh.

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