40: Alone at a Table For Two

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•Your POV•

I sobbed so hard, putting my hands on my face, laying down on the bed. My pillows had tear stains, slowly drying while new tears were applied.

Why did I let myself do that?!

Well, I know why I did that. I just wanted to be more focused on Abel, but clearly my heart wanted something else.

Abel. Yes, him. I need to be more focused on him.

I grabbed my phone and decided to call him. While waiting, I eat some pocky and wiped my tears away.

A few rings later, he answered.


"Yeah, hi Abel."

"Hi, (nickname)," He yawned softly, "What are you doing up so late?"

"It's only 11:30, and I was making plans. Stay and chat, pwease? I'm bored!" I lied.

"Fine, fine. Such a mood change, (y/n)." He laughed and I did as well.

"Say, Abel? Why do you even go to school? You're a country..." Focusing on Abel means I have to be closer with him, I have to know his past.

"Me and Emma were really poor, we sacrificed our education just so that the children of our country could go to school," He explained his sad past that he and Emma had to suffer, "Unlike Mr. America, with England as his parent figure, he was well educated and even started to learn about building the economy at a very young age."

"Oh... I'm so sorry." I felt really bad for him.

"But my country is doing okay," I could practically see his smile at his statement, "Thank you for worrying though..."

"All good, bro. Oh, also, that reminds me, wanna go for dinner tomorrow night?"


"Yeah! In a restaurant."

"Like a date?"


He paused for a while, "Y-Yeah, okay... I'll see you. Goodnight, (y/n)."

"See ya at 7. Goodnight!" I ended the call and chewed on another pocky. We continued to text out our plans for tomorrow night and decided to bid it adieu.

And throughout the whole night watching Fullmetal Alchemist, I drifted off to sleep as always, thinking about Alfred's new life...

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping-

Wait. Nah, too cliché.

I awoke to the sound of a bird screaming and opening its beak with its tongue out at my window.

What a beautiful morning.

This actually happened to me at my old house •-•

It's saliva got to my window and that bird was really derpy.

And as the kind person I am because I'm against animal cruelty, I tapped the window a bit so it could go away.

Instead of a normal flight away from my property, it squawked at me, shitted on the outside window platform and flew away.

That bird reminds me of Emma.

Anyways, since it was date night with Abel, I had to look good, unlike that bird.

I called up Emma (which reminded me of the bird), and she quickly answered.

"OM MY GOSSHHH!!" She screamed (or squawked just like the bird) at the phone and I winced.


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