36: Some Things Just Make Sense

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The plane ride ended and all of you are back home. Abel decided to text Emma and that she should pick you up... Together with Yao and Leon, of course.

But the whole time you just kept thinking about who was that mysterious man that kept texting you while you were on the plane?


Tomorrow was your regular shift again, so the mystery guy is gonna go the studios and confess his love for someone there.

You felt happy that you were going to help someone with their relationship, it made you feel like you gave them hope. It was nice to help a fan out.

You walked with Abel and your luggages, heading out of the airport. As you were waiting on the waiting seats, Yao spoke up.

"Aiyah, (y/n)?"

"Yes, Yao?"

"Umm... C-Can Leon and I go to your radio show tomorrow? We heard you were looking for co-stars..." Yao smiled and your eyes lit up.

"Really? Seriously!?" You beamed, "Yes!! Thank you so much! I actually have one co-star that signed up a few days ago! And he's a country looking for a part-time job!"

"Really, aru? What's his name?"

"I think it was... Oh yeah! Emil!" Once you said Emil, Leon spat out the water he drank from his water bottle not to long ago.

"W-Wait... Emil Steilsson!?" Leon exclaimed and wiped the water from his chin.

"Yep!" You smiled, "Iceland, is it? He's such a cute kid-!"

"We're the same age," Leon glared, "He's not a kid."

"Oh... Do you have anything against him? You know he's gonna visit everyday, right? I mean, he is my co-DJ." You explained to him.

"I don't hate him," He rolled his eyes, "I just simply dislike him."

"Well, don't be rude tomorrow. My ratings are gonna go down, plus we have a special mystery visitor tomorrow, alright?"

He perked up, "Mystery visitor? Didn't your parent tell you to NOT trust strangers?"

"Well Alfred was a stranger!" You said innocently.

"And what happened?" Abel smirked.

"Yes, (y/n). Then what happened?" Yao smirked as well.

"Oh shut up," you glared. A few minutes of glaring, a long car honk's audio appeared.

"Emma!?" You and Abel said in unison. She almost destroyed the whole sidewalk with her parking skills, luckily she didn't.

"Abel!! (Y/n)!!" She squeals, "I missed you guys!!"

"You finally got a driver's license after 2 years and this is what you do to me?" You got in the car together with Yao, Leon and Abel. "I swear, Emma. If we were in a Transformers movie, your driving skills could be in use."

"Is that insult!?" She screeched, "Oh, hi, Yao! Leon!" She smiled and they just waved.

They actually know each other.

"Hmm..." You hummed, "Nope. Emma, that was a compliment."

"Awww? You really think I could be a driver in action movies!?"

"Why not," You laughed silently to yourself.

"A lot of stunt doubles die," Abel judged, "Don't do it."

Emma frowned and played the radio. It's one of Alfred's songs...

Justice Breaker.

She turned to you, "OMG! (Y/n)! I hear your radio show and this song is AMAZING! You were dancing with Alf-"

A honk of a car horn interrupted her. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD! I WAS WRITING ON WATTPAD AND MY PHONE ALMOST FELL ON MY FACE!!" Leon panicked.

"You are one sadistic little emo, aren't you?" Yao sighed.

"In order to write a tear-jerking story, all you have to do is kill off the kind-hearted heroine, right~?" You sang to the song. The song's almost as catchy as Unravel. Punravel.

"They say if she dies everyone will cry and you have no dreams, too~..." Abel sang quietly.

"WOAH!" Emma exclaimed, "ABEL, YOU CAN SING!?"

Abel didn't reply and just blushed. You laughed at how you heard hi sing for the first time, his voice is great.

You look outside the window and wondered about the mystery person and what could happen the next day.

Does that even make sense?

You also wondered if Alfred still listened to your radio shows. He did say that he'd listen to it everyday.

Well if that's how you put it...

Somethings just make sense.

To Be Continued...

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