Ch 16 watermelon

641 48 16

Will pov.

Mama and papa were very mad at the humans.  The food and rocks that were frozen in mid air were bolted back at them hitting every human.
I hug Brother tears building in my eyes.
Papa picked us up. I haven't seen them anywhere at home in my dimension.

"Papa who are they. they in our d-dimension?"

"Your little blue son is right. I'm something called a paradox demon. I was Bills Girlfriend before that happened." The preschool teacher said pointing at brother. She started talking a lot. She even turned around and told about the human army she created. That was a boo boo mistake.
Mama walked right up behind her. Did this spin and kicked the lady in the head with da heel part of da foot. Knocking her right into the ground. Her head was gone. It looked like splattered watermelon. Only bloodier.

Mama turned us with a smile and dusted off his dress.
"Well that's over."

Papa walked over to mama and they kissed each other. Papa also dropped to one kneel pulling out a tiny box.
"Please be my wife you amazing sexy ass demon."

Mama kissed him as he stood up. A ring was put on mamas finger.
"How could I say no to you."
They kissed till Bill groans.

"I hungry!"
We whined.
"M-m-me to!" I added on. 

"Alright let's go to lazy Susan's dinner for some food." Aunt Mabel said picking my and brother up. We walked there just as everyone snapped out of the spell and was confused.

Oh well at least we have a mama and papa now.

Sorry short chapter I know. Next chapter might have a bit of a time skip in it.

Stay crazy my demons. Cause we all going to hell.

child Bill and DipperDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora