Chapter 12: Teleportation and Gunshots

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Nobody said anything as they went deeper into the forest. That gut feeling BethanyFrye had earlier was still nagging at her. She thought Jordan would be more talkative than this, especially saying he's had nobody to talk to for months. He could've trained himself to keep quiet for his own sake so Jimmy wouldn't hurt him. If that was all, she'd be fine. Another thing that bothered her was the difference between the Jordan that ran out of the forest and the one that marched back in. That change in confidence didn't feel right to her, neither did the way he carried himself. For being with Jimmy for as long as he was, you'd think he'd at least be a little shaken to come back here, even if it was to do the right thing. Yet, he walked without a single fear in the world. She guessed that's just who Jordan was. Someone who could be up and chipper, even after they've gone through hell. That is the Jordan she knew.

After what seemed like quite a long time of thinking and walking, Bethany came to her brother's side, "Are you okay?"

He jumped at her voice, "Huh?" Jordan squeaked before clearing his throat, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About what?"

The question made him nervous. Venturian let out a small, unusual chuckle, "You know what? I don't remember. As soon as you started talking, I forgot what I was thinking about."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's okay. If it was important it'll come back to me."

The four of them continued walking. Sally trotted up to Jordan, followed by Gertrude, "Do you have any ideas on how we can slow him down quickly?" the waffle girl asked.

"I think I have an idea," he told her, "I don't think it's a good idea to tell you here. We can never know where Jimmy is. I've tried to escape before. Sometimes he played with me, giving me hope and taking it away at the last second. It was horrible." Jordan looked beyond with a grim expression on his face. He quickly shook it off, "Anyway, I think we're getting close. Follow me." He made a sudden turn and they all followed. After a few minutes, the group was finally there. A few specs of brick and concrete could be seen through a few small clearings in the trees. They hid behind a large bush, where a large piece of the building was missing. Most likely due to a lack of care over time.

"This is where you were held?" Gertrude asked. Jordan nodded. She frowned, "He could've chosen somewhere cozier for you to stay," she said in an oddly serious tone, "something tells me you had some rough nights on that concrete floor."

He let out an uneasy laugh, "You got that right." In her pity, Gertrude gave him a motherly kiss on the top of his head, and brought him into a side hug. Bethany and Sally joined in.

"At least it'll all be over soon." Sally chirped.  

"Yeah," Jordan laughed, "It'll be over soon, alright."

As they were keeping an eye out of Jimmy, Sally realized something, "Venturian, can you tell us now what the plan is, now?"

He gave it some thought and looked over both his shoulders, "Why, yes. I think were in the clear now." Jordan looked at Sally in the eyes as he let the lies slip away. Starting with his eyes. The brown retreated, immediately replacing them with that fear-inducing red. Then, he smiled. It wasn't a happy, carefree smile but, a deep, 'I know you didn't see this coming' smile. For the first time in her life, Sally felt fear. Not the childish fear she knew. A spine chilling, heart stopping, 'my life is in danger' dread. Jimmy Casket pulled out his knife, disarmed Sally, and put Knifey to her neck. Gertrude and Bethany had no idea what had hit them, "I'm quite the actor, huh? Just imagine the look on Jordan's face when he sees you guys. And he thought I was going after my typical monthly spree." Jimmy let out his madman's laugh, "Now, you're going to tell me what those bracelets are, or the girl gets it." Gertrude and Bethany had no other choice but to follow.

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