Chapter 11: Mazes and Hidden Eyes

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"Out of all the things we could've faced," Johnny Ghost complained, "and we get the one we can't manipulate!" As soon as ImmortalKyodai, HomelessGoomba, Johnny Toast, and Johnny Ghost had got onto the main highway to Vermont, traffic hit them hard. The car had barely moved five miles in half an hour. 

"There was a reason why we're not using the no clip and teleportation in our bracelets, sir," The Brit told him, "Rules of 'reality' here are much riskier here and could cause-,"

"Dangerous side effects. I remember!" Ghost snapped, "You don't need to tell me a thousand times!"

"Only when you whine about it a thousand times."

Ghost crossed his arms and grumbled, "I don't whine. I 'express my concerns'," The paranormal investigators were awkwardly crammed into the backseats, only making P.I.E's situation more uncomfortable, "For goodness sake," he blurted out, "can it get any tighter back here!?" 

Meanwhile, the creators were in the front seats, each enjoying the bickering between their creations as they waited for traffic to clear up. When Isaac heard Ghost's question, he couldn't resist. Just to his luck, Johnny was right behind the passenger's seat, where HomelessGoomba was sitting. The troll, grinning from ear to ear, slid his seat into Ghost. ImmortalKyodai and Toast couldn't help but laugh at the paranormal investigator's colorful vocabulary. Cierra and Isaac were rather surprised that Ghost knew of those words but, they laughed anyway. This joking and bantering is the only thing that kept them from worrying about what they left behind and what they were going to face. 


Venturian honestly had no idea how he was alive. There was not a day where a knife wasn't put to his throat. There wasn't a day where Casket didn't yell and laugh at him. 

He always fought, still. Whether it was jumping at Casket the best he could or just throwing around a clever word or two, he always protested Jimmy's control. Venturian had to get used to the pain, of course, but, he wasn't going to let himself become numb to the pain. He made it a personal goal to feel at least one thing each day. Happiness. Sadness. Pain. The more he felt, the better the day was to him. There were times when he was teenager and young adult where he felt absolutely nothing. And he hated it. Numbness killed him to a point that nothing could. It killed more than death itself. He made a promise to himself when he became a YouTuber to, inside and outside of his channel, never to be that hollow again. Despite it all, Jordan had no plans of breaking this promise to himself. Venturian was going to keep his head high, even if it meant that he was exposing his neck to Casket's knife.

For some reason, Casket was a little more talkative than normal. Jimmy had become less of one to talk, since there was little Jimmy was willing to talk about. It was almost like he was trying to control is sadistic impulses as he spoke, "You have a fascinating scream, Jordan Frye. It's not like the people we kill," Venturian flinched, "It's like you want to let it out but, something stops you," Casket waved the knife in front of Jordan's face, "I wonder what it is. An attempt to be tough? Obligation?" Jimmy flashed Venturian a wicked smile that made him sick, "Maybe both." Jordan had nothing to say. He knew that Casket was being rhetorical. The madman took a deep breath, as if savoring the air around him, "You seem a bit hungry. Is there anywhere you'd like me to go so you can get a bite to eat?" 

Venturian gave it some thought before glaring at Casket with a happily smug smile on his face, ready for whatever consequence Jimmy was going to give for his answer, "As far as you can get from me."

The madman didn't threaten to do anything harmful, like he expected. Instead, he let out a shrill chuckle, "Very funny. Nowhere it is."

Jimmy vanished from his sight. Jordan wasn't sure what he dreaded more. He fact he couldn't see Casket, or the fact he laughed before he was gone. When Jimmy hides, it means one of two things. One, he's trying to mess with his head. Two, Jimmy Casket wanted to go into the maze with him again. Jordan began to feel light headed and fell on his side. It looked like they were on their way to the maze. 

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