Chapter 5: Interrogations and Control

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Jordan felt like a little kid walking into the principal's office as he walked into that interrogation room. He sat down and the door was slammed behind him. Jordan got up to check if it was locked. It was so. Thus, he sat back down. At least he wasn't handcuffed. Venturian had no idea what he'd say once someone came in. Something told him if he talked about Casket and how he made him attack Bethany, that would not end well. Jordan had to make sure Jimmy Casket was under his thumb and not the over way around. "Great job," He thought to himself, "You let Jimmy take control and now, you're in an interrogation room with no idea what's going on."

Jimmy Casket decided to butt into Venturian's thoughts. "Don't you worry your hosty little head about a thing. I can get us out of here and off the grid faster than you can say your name."

Although he was startled by the madman's voice, he didn't show it. He had to act normal on the outside even if it was chaos on the inside. "You are not going to deal with it. In fact, you aren't going to do anything. I'll just suck it up and deal with the consequences."

"Even if it means serving one to six years in prison and paying up to a $10,000 fine?"

Venturian paused. That was strangely specific. He was becoming anxious. What on earth did Casket do? He sighs, "Yes."

"Wrong! I didn't come here for you to serve time and pay a fine. I came to kill as I like. I'm already in the confines of your brain. I don't need your body to be confined to a cell. Too many limitations."

"I'm not going to let you kill anyone. If I have to spend time in prison to keep it that way, I will." Casket chuckled, "What's so funny?"

"It's funny that you think you have so much control over me. This isn't Gmod anymore. This time, you're the puppet and I'm the marionette. I don't intend for that to change anytime soon."

"Doesn't mean I won't try to change it myself."


Sheriff Kurt Channon had just came in from the sibling's interview and planned to talk to Bethany once she had time to recover. This was a rather difficult case for Officer Channon to follow. He had a 12 year old kid who adored Venturiantale and he always had an interest in his father's work. How was he going to tell his son that his role model had attacked BethanyFrye? For Kurt Channon, there was a personal side to this, even if this was the first time they met in real life. When the Sheriff looked at Jordan Frye's past offenses, he saw that Jordan started a couple fights in the 5th grade but, according to the files, it was only to defend his sisters, who were being bullied. He got suspended for a few days and the reports said it wasn't like him to act violently, even when defending his siblings. Typically, he'd take the diplomatic route. Channon and his crew only knew about this through ImmortalKyodai's interview. After that, there's nothing. There was a couple parking and driving violations here and there but, nobody's perfect. And it most definitely doesn't point to an attacker. It's not the normal 'criminal record' of someone who just committed aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. But, that doesn't mean it can't happen. It's just very rare.

When Sheriff Channon walked in, he saw Jordan Frye rubbing his temples. He's probably stressed out and showing remorse for what he did. At the moment, Venturian's actions showed that he's not psychopathic or criminally insane. He had a moral compass and was feeling regret. In Indiana, crimes like this were not common, making this case difficult. Channon greeted him and they shook hands before sitting down and beginning the interrogation. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I've just told you?"

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