Chapter 7: Bracelets and Crowbars

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They couldn't believe it. After four months, Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast found a way to get past the fourth wall while maintaining their Gmod abilities. Without them, they both knew they'd be screwed. In front of them were six bracelets. Each of them looked like rounded, green computer chips. When on the wearer's wrist, they hold all the effects and traits of the dimension they were in when applied. It also gave the wearer power to create a dimensional rift to travel wherever they wished; in this case, the zero world. "Are you sure we needed to make some for the Acachallas?" Ghost questioned, looking over the bracelets on the table.

"Yes," Toast nodded, "We need all the help we can get."

"I understand that but, of all people, over Vahl, and Cywren, and Asylum, you want to bring the Acachalla family?"

"Too hard to contact them. Besides, you know just as well as I do they're not as dumb as they act. They are extremely powerful and can be a big help to us."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Ghost mumbled, "Let's just get over there."

With the chips in his bag, Johnny Ghost followed his partner to House with Garden 3. When they made it to the door, Toast sniffed the air, "More radiation. That's the third Crocket this week. Sir, is it just me or have they been getting more reckless lately?"

"No you're not alone," Ghost agreed, "it has to do with Venturiantale's lack of activity. We need to get them back on, soon."

"Knock, knock." The Brit imitated with tiny head-bangs on the door. The door swung open, revealing Mama Gertrude.

"Hello! What can I help you with?"

"It's ready." Ghost announced.

Her eyes widened with excitement. It was finally time to return things to normal. She dashed into the next room where Papa was watching TV as normal. The speed at which she entered the room and caused her to bump into the TV and break it.

"Oh come on!" The Kentucky man cried, "I just got this one-,"

"They're done."

Papa couldn't believe what he just heard. He managed to pull himself off the couch and said, "Get the kids. If they're trying to kill each other, you know what to do." Gertrude smiled. The good old crowbar trick. Knock them out and wait for them to respawn. She dashed upstairs to get Sally and Billy. Papa walked into the hallway where the paranormal investigators were standing. They heard the clang of a crowbar but, other than that, it was awkward silence between them.

"So..." Toast started, "How's Gertrude?"

"Fine, fine." The Kentucky man said, "Her legs are acting up every now and again but, she seems to be doing better." In the past few months, BethanyFrye characters, especially Gertrude, had been having some difficulty walking. They'd usually lose their balance and fall on their face. Sometimes they'd even die and have to respawn. Nobody could explain why.

Sally and Billy hazily walked through the front door while Mama was smugly coming down the stairs, crowbar in hand. "You promised you'd never do that again." Billy complained.

"No," Gertrude corrected, "I promised I wouldn't do that if you guys didn't try to kill each other."

"I wouldn't have tried to kill him if Billy didn't call Freddy stupid." Sally whined.

"He is stupid!" Billy snapped, "Freddy is a big dinosaur with tiny teeth. I dare you to think of something even more stupider!"

"Billy Acachalla," Papa mumbled under his breath. Of course, nobody noticed.

"Now, that's enough you two," Gertrude commanded in her motherly tone, "P.I.E. has something very important to give us."

Johnny Ghost pulled the green bracelets out of his bag and put them on the table. The children were intrigued and even Papa and Gertrude showed interest. "These are Interdimensional bracelets. What makes these different from other things that can take us move across dimensions is that this also gives us access to the real world which is much different than any dimensions we see here. The real world, also known as the 'zero world', is the home of the creators, the people who made us. It was impossible to go there until now. One of the main problems we faced was that Zero world didn't allow us to keep our abilities while we are there. These bracelets solve the problem. Not only do they allowed to travel to any dimension we want but, they are the thing that keeps our abilities in another world that doesn't allow us to have them. We can also open our own Gmod menu and have access to our profiles in another dimension with this bracelet."

"However," Toast pointed out, "There are a few risks with this bracelet. We don't know if there's any side effects to this travel. We'd assume not but, we can't say for certain. Like all dimensional travel, you cannot predict what's going to happen on the other side. Speaking of unpredictable, it's also risky because we're going after Jimmy Casket. It is believed that he's in control of Venturian and, as we all know, he's very dangerous. He is most likely just as dangerous in the zero world as he is here, if that is where he is. I also need to inform you, if you take off the bracelet in an alternate dimension, the previous effects will go away. You still had access to your profile but I'll be the only thing that isn't different."

"And you want us to help you, why?" Gertrude asked.

"The more, the merrier." Toast answered, "You guys may be unpredictable but, you four are an incredibly powerful force. We need all the help we can get."

The children were very excited by the end. "Can we help them, please!?" Sally begged to her mother.

"We'll be good!" Billy promised.

Gertrude looked at her children, then at Papa, "What do you think?"

The Kentucky man sighed, "I don't think either of you will be good but, for the sake of Venturiantale, I'll do it." Billy and Sally cheered as P.I.E. and the Acachalla family put on the bracelets and made themselves more familiar with the format. Ghost opened up a rift and jumped in with his partner.

Sally hid behind Gertrude's leg, "I'm scared!"

Gertrude felt herself lose her balance but she stayed strong for her daughter, "It's okay," she said holding Sally's hand, "I got you." Sally smiled as they jumped in together, leaving Papa and Billy.

Papa groaned. "Don't be a pain in the butt, okay?"

"Okay!" Billy grinned. In the back of his mind, Papa knew that wasn't going to happen. Despite this, he jumped into the portal. Where in the world were they going to end up?

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