Chapter 2: Lies and Secrets

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"How could've it ended like that!?" Issac complained, "We so had them!"

"Obviously, we didn't. If we pressed on, we would've been shot with paintball guns." Jordan said.

"We would've been fine if you didn't surrender."

Venturian looked at his brother in disbelief. "Do you not remember what happened last time we had a paintball fight with Cierra and Bethany?" He rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie to show the nasty welt on his right arm. "It's been two months and we still have marks!"

HomelessGoomba winced in pain at the memory of those 3 paintball pellets that were fired little too close to his manhood. Bethany was always a lousy shot. Luckily, no so bad a shot that he ended up neutered. "You had to bring that up, didn't you? I was really close to forgetting that."

Jordan laughed. "One cannot simply forget such pain."

"Whatever," Isaac rolled his eyes, "I'm going to head upstairs and play some video games."

"Okay," Venturian shrugged, "I'll go to my room too. Don't get shot, Homeless."

"Right back at you!" His brother grinned. Jordan got up and headed for his room. As soon as he closed the door behind him, he slammed his body onto the bed. It may have only been one in the afternoon, but he was already exhausted. He looked at his laptop and smiled. Venturian managed to pull himself off his bed and open his editing program. As he started putting together the video, Jordan couldn't help but smile. He was only 25 years old, had an amazing family and awesome YouTube community that seemed to support him and his siblings no matter what. He couldn't ask for anything else. When Jordan finished editing and publishing the video, he let himself fall into the bed again. He took a deep breath, savoring the sweet breaths given to him. As tired as he was, in that moment, Jordan David Frye felt like the luckiest person in the world. In his happy thoughts, he dozed off to sleep.


Jordan was still fast asleep when Isaac, Cierra, and, Bethany ordered pizza for the third night in a row. Venturian had been taking a lot of power naps lately so, none of them were that concerned. "One of these days, were going to go broke on how much food we order." Bethany laughed.

"Oh please! We get 19 grand on a bad month. I think we're going to be fine for a while." Isaac shrugged. In their laughter, HomelessGoomba noticed that Cierra was a little quiet. She was staring at the stairwell to the basement."Is everything okay?" he asked.

The question snapped ImmortalKyodai out of her haze. "Huh? Oh! Uh, yeah. Just a little concerned about Jordan. It's been hard for him to focus lately."

"That's why we've been doing a few videos on our own." Bethany reminded her sister.

"I know. I know," Cierra said, "Even though he doesn't want me to worry about him because he's the 'big brother' and he's supposed to provide for us, I still do worry about him. He's been taking on a lot of big projects lately and the channel is only getting bigger, especially since we decided to cut back on the FNAF stuff. I just don't want him to feel like he has to do everything on our channel because he's the leader of Venturiantale."

BethanyFrye sighed, all too aware of her older sister's feelings. "Trust me. Isaac and I have had our fair share of worrying about Jordan-,"

"We have?" HomelessGoomba joked.

Bethany elbowed the only younger sibling. "Isaac!" She snapped.

"Kidding!" He defensively put his hands up.

Bethany grumbled at Isaac before turning back to Cierra. "But, that's why the channel is called 'VenturianTALE' instead of 'Venturian'. Jordan may be the leader but, he's not alone. We have his back as he has ours. He'll ask for help if he needs it and we'll be more than happy to do so. Sometimes even when he doesn't want our help." That last comment brought a smile and a chuckle to ImmortalKyodai's lips.

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