one | I N Q U I S T I V E

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"_____, are you listening? I'm teaching you a very important lesson," the operator placed her hand down on the desk that was placed before the window overlooking Earth.

Blankly, _____ gazed around the room. There wasn't much to look at other than white classroom furniture and a bookcase filled with all the same similarly-colored books. The bunker was everything but fun to the young human. The only time when it was fun would be when No.9 type S returned from the surface. He would then share his discoveries from Earth.

"Oh, sorry 15O. I was wondering... what is the use of mathematics if I'm unable to use it on the surface? Were humans before me able to apply this knowledge to the real world?" _____ questioned.

The android cleared her throat. "As a matter of fact, yes," She replies.

"It's applied in everything. Architects used math to measure out sizes of buildings and used that to make pretty interesting ones, too," The operator insinuated. "Though, this would be an excellent topic to bring up to a Scanner model."

"Then I'll ask 9S," _____ replies. "I don't talk to him often, though."


"Operator, will I ever be allowed to go to Earth?"

"_____, as much as I'd like to be hopeful and say yes, at the rate of the machines we're fighting now," 15O began, "I don't think we'll be able to get rid of the hostile machines in your lifetime, or at least, not all of them."

"Why not? Can't I follow a fleet of androids to the surface and have the resistance protect me?"

"I'm not quite sure you're able to successfully enter the troposphere without dying from lack of oxygen, so we can't give you a flight unit, but why would you go down there? It's a war zone. Plus, we're finding more hostile machines that we are uncertain about."

"Don't you know how many units have been annihilated trying to land their flight units? The machines are not as easy to defeat," The android reasoned.


"No, _____ the entire Project YorHa is focused on keeping humans like you safe. Until we are certain we've won this war between man and machine, we won't let you set foot on Earth," the android said almost solemnly.


"Back to the lesson, then?"

"Yes, Operator."


_____ was separated from the rest of the human civilization on the moon for special reasons. Being granted an education from the YorHa operators wasn't as fun as the human thought it would be as a young child, but _____ learned to make it seem at least a little less boring. _____ would have fun by playing simple games with the less occupied androids in the Bunker, but _____ enjoyed 9S's presence since he always had something to talk about after his missions on the surface. It was a shame the scanners couldn't stay a bit longer. They were almost always busy with missions on the surface.

"Perhaps I could play with the prototype models," _____ chattered along idly. "Chess, maybe?"

"What am I thinking? Chess with an android? I can't beat a robot."

Gazing around the empty room, _____ noticed that there wasn't much... color in the Bunker. Even the attire the units wore were all the same color-- black. Despite there being no scent in the air, there was a slight hint of today's lunch. Of course, all the ingredients came from the bunker's greenhouse. Most foods like fish were contaminated with diseases that could potentially harm the body-- even android ones. Though, most supplies such as seeds or metals were sent up to the moon and the Bunker. Surprisingly, most packages that _____ saw unloaded from the Hangar were empty. She often wonders why.

Sitting up from the soft surface of the bed, _____ looked at the door.

"I should ask White if I could change the color of my room."

"What color should I make it?"

_____'s sleeping quarters were on the other side of the bunker, whereas the units remained opposite from her. Though it was blandly colored in a gray scale, the only significant object in the room was the small glowing flower that the scanner 9S got for the human when he returned. It was called a 'Lunar Tear' according to the android. Other than the flower, the room had a small bookcase, a desk, and a bed. The essentials to a small room.

Exiting the slightly spacious sleeping area, _____ skipped along the narrow halls of the bunker before approaching the control room.

Despite being surrounded by sociable androids, life was boring in the bunker, but could that change?

Curious little hum[a]n

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