I smirk, wondering where exactly the 'off the record' questions might eventually lead us. My raised brow causes her to gorgeously panic and she adorably tries to explain a little more. "The 'off the record' questions won't be printed of course. I merely want to ask them to get to know you as a person." She then stops, looking like it still isn't enough. "Hopefully, the readers will love all that I discover about you."

Watching her panic subside, I am more than a little keen to spend time with the blushing but beautifully intriguing Clara Thorn. I am totally keen for her to discover more about me because I definitely want to discover more about her. Throwing her one of my honest smiles, I tell her. "Cool! I'm all about new discoveries." My reply is wickedly said, completely for her very lovely benefit. I want her to see that she's piqued my tired interest. It's then that I realise she is all alone. "Will your photographer be meeting you later?" I ask, unable to wipe my smile from off my face.

"There's no need, I take my own pictures." She confidently tells me, her teal eyes now shining so very bright with eagerness.

"Really?" I ask, growing more and more enthralled with this woman with each passing second. "Cool." I enthusiastically tell her, because I really do think that she is. I don't know what it is about Clara Thorn, but everything about her is alluring. She isn't trying too hard around me, and I like that. I know I'm gawking at her again, so peel my stare away from her. "What time have I got the backstage Meet and Greet?" My focus is now fully on Jules, my hardworking assistant.

"Eight." He pipes up.

Thinking that it's about time that I got myself looking all clean and handsome for the journalistic beauty that I've only just had the pleasure of meeting, I quickly announce to everyone. "Right, I just need to grab a shower." But I can't help but look in Clara Thorn's way just one last time before I do. "Then we can maybe have a look at some of those questions before dinner?"

"Dinner?" She quietly asks, looking sweetly surprised by what I've just said.

Toying with her, just because I love to see her blush a little, I ask. "You eat, don't you?" With a small and embarrassed nod, she gives me her quick answer. "Good." I wickedly throw her one last smile before striding back to my room. It's only then do I realise that I have my one night stand still inside of there. If there was another exit, now would be the time for her to be using it. Only, there isn't.

Of all the days to meet someone that I genuinely do find interesting, it has to be on the day when I still have my last sexual conquest inside of my hotel bedroom. When I open the door, the brunette is thankfully dressed and is just running a paddle brush through her lustrously long dark hair. I just want rid of her. I know Clara Thorn is going to see her leave, but there's nothing I can do about that now. I'll just have to thickly lay on the charm when she interviews me, convince her that I'm not a guy who will bed just about anything with a vagina. Wrapped up in my own thoughts of the journalist I have only just met, the brunette sidles up beside me. "Will I see you later?"

"No." I abruptly tell her straight. There's no point in telling her otherwise. We screwed, that's it. I don't want to see her again and she won't ever get second helpings with me. It's the cruel and cold truth, I'm afraid.

Stroking my bare chest with just the tip of one of her long acrylic fingernails, she seductively frowns. "That's a shame." But she also now knows there will never be another time for her and I, so with a sexy sway of her curvaceous hips, she flicks her hair from off her shoulders and blows me a parting kiss. "Thanks, handsome." Then she is gone.

I hate to think of what Clara's reaction will be, unimpressed more than likely, but I'll try to pull back from last nights screw after my quick and hot shower. As I turn it on and wait for it to heat up, I find myself actually smiling. I don't know what it is about Clara Thorn, but she has certainly brightened my day. Not many things brighten up my days, but she has.

Yes, I'm famous.

Yes, I'm wealthy.

Yes, I'm adored.

But fame and my family life simply exhaust me.

Behind the façade of my fame, lies a secret that only my close inner circle know about. A secret I keep close to my chest because I am trying to protect that secret. That exhausting secret is my sister, a drug addict.

For years now, Maci has battled with her addiction. Mom battles to save her daughter, and I, battle to not hate my sister.

She has torn our already fragile family apart. There isn't much more of it for her to actually tear apart anymore. Don, our stepfather had enough many months ago. Mom continually worries, even when Maci is safely in a rehab, and I keep my sanity with my music.

My music is my one and only saving grace. It is what keeps me grounded and keeps me going. It also pays for Maci's expensive rehabilitation, which keeps my mom happy.

That's my gut-wrenching secret.

The one I have to carry around daily. My worldwide tour has thankfully kept me preoccupied. Maci was put into yet another rehab just as my tour began, and for now, she seems to be doing well there. I am soon to be returning home, but you know what? It kind of fills me with dread. Being on tour keeps me away from Maci's problems and keeps me away from Mom's worries. I like that. I like not being too close to any of those things. I also now like the way that Clara Thorn makes me feel. I try to grab hold of anything that makes me feel good these days. Stepping into the hot shower, I smile once again. There is something about this girl, a something that I can't quite put my finger on just yet. But I will find out. I intend on finding out all I can about the alluring Clara Thorn.


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