Chapter 9 - Wednesday, 16 October 1996

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Wednesday morning found Draco reveling in his ability to stand in the shower and wash himself. He felt a hundred times more energetic than the previous day. Why, he might even get through the whole day without napping!

Draco finished his shower and dried off, wrapping the towel around his waist when he was done. Draco grimaced in annoyance when he realized he had left his wand in the other room; the mouth cleaning charm would have to wait until he could retrieve his wand. Grabbing a handy comb, Draco tended his hair until it fell smooth and untangled. His hair reached the middle of his back, now; it was the traditional length for a Gifted wizard. He'd have to learn how to braid it. Maybe Harry knew how and could teach him.

Harry. The other boy had kept him naked for the last four days. Reasonably so, he supposed. Well, today he was feeling better and he wasn't going to stay in bed! He would be up and about like a normal person, by Merlin, and he was going to demand some pants at the very least! Steeling his resolve, he headed out of the bathroom prepared for a battle only to find Harry not three feet away dangling a pair of silk sleep pants at him. Scowling at having been outmaneuvered, Draco swiped the pants from his smirking transition guardian and stepped back into the bathroom to don the sleepwear. Frowning at their slightly too large size, Draco stepped back out into the bedroom.

"How come you gave me a pair of yours?" Draco asked. "What's wrong with mine?"

Harry gave the other boy a blank look. "What do you mean yours? You don't have anything down here."

"Of course I do," Draco denied. "I brought a whole week's worth of clothes in my bag."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What bag?"

Draco opened his mouth to reply only to close it a moment later when he realized he had never told Harry about the bag he had brought with him. He smiled sheepishly. "The bag that was in my trousers pocket that I never told you about?"

"Ah," Harry said in mock understanding, "That bag. I'll just fetch it now, shall I?"

"An excellent idea, Harry. Couldn't have thought of a better one myself." Draco drawled back, amused at his own expense.

Harry snorted his own amusement and turned towards one of the doors. Draco took the opportunity to fetch his wand and cast a mouth cleansing and a hair drying charm. Turning back, he saw Harry emerge from what appeared to be a rather large walk-in closet with Draco's miniaturized bag in his hand.

Harry set the bag down on the chair Draco had first used to remove his shoes and watched as Draco resized the bag and dug through it looking for something. Draco's elegant hand emerged with a black silk sleep shirt, which Harry promptly confiscated.

"Harry!" Draco protested.

"Nope. I like looking at you; you're very handsome. You're not covering up that body any more than it already is," Harry said firmly.

Draco flushed and said nothing. He watched Harry refold the shirt and put it back in the travel bag. Draco flushed even more at the wicked smile Harry then graced him with. Well, at least he knew now that Harry found him attractive.

"Well, fair is fair, I suppose. Since you're wearing your pants today, I'll take off mine."

"No!" Draco exclaimed, alarmed. "You don't need to do that!"

Harry merely laughed, turned his back to Draco, dropped his sleep pants, and crawled to the middle of the bed and got comfortable on his belly. Hearing a strangled sound from Draco, Harry turned his head and chuckled at the other boy's expression. "This would be an excellent opportunity for you to feel out all the muscles on the lower body," Harry suggested lightly. "Why don't you get your book?"

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