Chapter 14 - Saturday, 19 October - Presentation

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Severus grit his teeth and politely greeted yet another pair of sycophants. He loathed this. Loathed it more than he had ever loathed teaching dunderheaded students. He wanted to hex all these simpering idiots into toads and slugs and other slimy things. At least that way they might be of some use in potions. All this bloody etiquette was going to kill him before he ever got to see his son again. Of course, Lucius and Narcissa were thriving.

He wanted to hex them, too.

In fact, maybe he'd hex them first.

It could be argued, after all, that it was their fault he was in this position to begin with. Then again, if not for them he wouldn't have Draco. And his son was the only thing on this planet that could get him to be polite to...yet...another...imbecile.

Eventually the torture ended and everyone was checked off the guest list and ushered into the Great Hall. The three stepped into the Hall and Narcissa waited demurely – hah! that woman was a harridan when she wanted to be – while Severus and Lucius closed the massive doors. At the deep thud all the guests quieted and skittered out of the way of the stones that began slowly rising from the floor in a fifty-foot-wide semi-circle. The masses quickly left their respective positions about the Hall to jockey for a position on the steps. Severus, Lucius and Narcissa made their way to the spot on the floor immediately in front of the new stone steps, directly across from the door. It was their position of honor as parents and was shared only by the Headmaster as de facto host.

The next several minutes ticked by slowly as everyone waited. Severus was greatly looking forward to seeing everyone's reactions to Potter. Severus and Flitwick had laid a wager, instigated that morning at breakfast by Flitwick, with McGonagall and Sprout that Harry Potter would be barely recognizable. The two men claimed that Potter would arrive as a confident and strong young man, having dropped all pretense of being a naïve schoolboy, and also that he would be dressed imposingly in fine quality traditional robes. Pomona had argued that Potter's personality wouldn't change because of being a transition partner, even if it was to a Gifted Draco Malfoy, and Minerva had argued that Potter would be dressed in something of Draco's, not having the time, knowledge, or inclination to be dressed properly. It was Minerva's opinion, after she'd thought about it, that the invitations and catering must have been arranged by Draco prior to his disappearance in the event that he became Gifted.

Severus didn't think so. And, surprisingly, neither did Flitwick. He'd confided to Severus after breakfast that he'd long noticed something a bit off in Potter's work; something that hinted at a greater knowledge and ability than displayed. The Charms teacher had kept his silence simply because the boy had. It was Flitwick's opinion that this very public appearance would prompt Potter to drop his act.

The doors clicked and slowly opened and, ah, yes, Severus and Flitwick both anticipated being five galleons richer before the end of the night.

Harry placed his hand on the doors and they obligingly swung open. He and Draco stood there until the doors were fully open and then waited until the count of ten. "Whoever designed this ceremony definitely had a flair for the dramatic," he thought.
They walked forward twenty feet and stopped just on the edge of the semicircle and let the assembly take in the image of the two figures: one imposing young man dressed all in black and one figure hidden completely under a cloak of midnight blue. Harry stood regally and cast his gaze over the guests. Most of them stared back at him in shock. He noticed Snape wasn't one of those shocked speechless. In fact, he looked rather smug for some reason. "On with the show...," Harry thought.

"I, Harold James Potter, have come to Present to thee the Gifted Draconis Lucius Malfoy. Wilt thou, in fair mind and good conscience, stand witness to his Proving of his Gift?" he demanded imperiously.

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