Chapter 7 - Tuesday, 15 October 1996

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Draco woke slowly, unwilling to relinquish the perfect comfort and warmth he was experiencing. Eventually it penetrated that he was laying against Harry with one of Harry's arms about his waist and the other bent with the hand wrapped lightly about Draco's left forearm. Draco looked at the contrasting flesh analytically. They both had the same base olive skin tone, but Harry was several shades darker. Draco decided he liked it.

Draco also noticed that Harry's fingers were actually long and elegant, something he hadn't expected. Even so, Harry's hands were far larger than his own and that he had expected. Draco knew he was small boned. He might look like his father but his bone structure came directly from his delicate looking mother. Sometimes it bothered him and sometimes he lorded his looks over others. He wondered what Harry thought, if he found Draco attractive.

Becoming aware of the increasing insistence of his bladder, Draco decided to leave Harry to his sleep and attempt to venture to the bathroom on his own. Disentangling himself, he sat up slowly. When he felt no head-rush he stood, also slowly. Evaluating himself again, Draco nodded in satisfaction and walked carefully to the bathroom. Relieving himself with no difficulties, Draco once again thanked the gods that Harry had somehow known the spells used at St. Mungo's on patients who were not able to visit a bathroom on their own. He couldn't imagine the embarrassment he would have felt if Harry actually had had to assist him relieve himself.

In fact, Draco was rather thankful that he was actually up and about today at all; he hadn't expected to be able to stand on his own, much less walk, until Wednesday. He'd known Harry's massages were helping but he hadn't realized just how much. Maybe he should mention it?

He stepped over to the mirror, looked himself over, and promptly grimaced. Merlin, he was a mess! His hair was everywhere! Draco contemplated whether it would be safe to take a shower. He felt rather spry, considering, but certainly not up to his normal self. He decided it would likely be safe enough if he sat down and walked to the shower and turned on and adjusted the water before stepping in. Using the shower wall to steady himself, Draco sat on the shower floor, hoping it was clean, and let the warm spray wash away the last three days.

It wasn't as if Harry had left Draco swimming in his own sweat over the last couple days. He hadn't. Harry had washed Draco twice, actually. He had been utterly mortified as Harry wiped him down with a warm cloth all over. Draco had protested vehemently, well, as vehemently as he could while still exhausted, but Harry had simply said "That's nice." and continued his ministrations. Draco had also tried to fight him off but had not been anywhere near strong enough to be even close to halfway effective and thus Harry had had his way with little trouble. Draco was extremely glad he was strong enough this morning to wash himself. Harry hadn't taken any liberties, but still. Noticing bottles of shampoo and liquid soap on the floor in the corner, Draco got to work putting himself to rights.

An hour later Draco had finished his shower, dried himself off, and combed his hair. He was tired now but felt infinitely better. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went to see if he could find something to wear. Stepping through the door, he was surprised to find Harry once again sitting at the small desk, writing. Draco wondered who he was writing to so extensively. "I'm sorry if I woke you," Draco said.

"You didn't. I was awake before you. Once you were in the shower I got up and changed the bedsheets. Do you think you've enough energy to sit up at the table to eat breakfast? Or would you rather go back to bed for a few hours and eat later?" Harry spoke calmly but Draco could see the concern, for him, in Harry's eyes as the other boy looked him over critically, judging his well-being.

"Breakfast. A small one, though. And how do you know you were awake before me? I was awake for a bit before I got up," Draco said a bit petulantly.

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