Chapter 5 - Sunday, 13 October 1996

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Harry groaned as he tried to roll over when he woke. "That was unwise," he thought dryly. Trying to move as little as possible, Harry sent out his right arm to hunt for his wand. Giving up a minute later, remembering he had relocated it to the nightstand when Draco had started to get belligerent, he sighed and resigned himself to having to drag his sorry arse out of the bed one screaming muscle at a time.

Lights quarter, Harry hissed softly and proceeded to slowly untangle himself from his bed companion. Groaning again, he slowly made his way to the side of the bed. Harry picked up his wand and recast his previous spell, wondering how long he had slept.

"Wow. 11:02. I haven't slept that late since my own transition," Harry snorted to himself. "And Draco is," Harry paused to check the bond, "still completely out, thank Merlin. I'm in desperate need of hot water."

"Lots and lots of hot water," Harry murmured to himself as he slowly trudged towards the bathroom.

An undetermined amount of time later, Harry felt Draco starting to wake and quickly finished showering. Not in the mood to fuss with the remainder of his ablutions, Harry grabbed his wand and cast a hair-combing charm following by a couple drying charms and a mouth cleansing charm. Grabbing a hand towel and wetting it down with warm water, Harry left to go tend to Draco.
Leaving a highly disgruntled former-blond ten minutes later, Harry returned the hand towel to the bathroom and went to the food box to find something appropriate for the two of them to eat. Deciding on tomato soup, he brought out a self-contained serving and activated the heating charms on the mug. Grabbing a spoon, Harry went back to the bed and set the now-steaming mug on the nightstand near Draco. Harry helped Draco sit and began stacking pillows against the headboard behind him. Draco scowled but allowed the help and collapsed back onto the pillows once they were ready. Harry climbed onto the bed, settled himself near Draco, and reached over to grab the soup and spoon.

"You'd better not be thinking of feeding me, Potter," Draco groused, still annoyed at the earlier "bath" Harry had given him.

Harry raised an eyebrow and wordlessly held the spoon out at chest height. Draco reached for it, even managed to grab it with little trouble, and then watched in dismay as his hand shook uncontrollably. It was quite obvious that he'd get soup all over everything and probably none into his mouth. Draco closed his eyes, lowered his arm, and uttered a heartfelt, "Shite."

Harry reclaimed the spoon and waited for Draco to resign himself to the situation.

"Not a word, Potter. You hear me?" Draco said, opening his eyes and glaring at Harry.

Harry nodded seriously and held out a spoonful of soup for Draco. Draco took the mouthful obediently and rolled the soup around on his tongue, a look of surprise coming to his face.

"This tastes like the tomato soup from Anton's in Diagon Alley," Draco said.

"It is," Harry replied. "They have a side owl-order business where they sell all of their dishes in single-serving containers spelled for stasis with an automatic temperature charm. They're mostly for people who want to pick up a quick dinner on the way home, but they're also great for people going on extended stays into remote areas. So goes the advertising, at any rate. Of course, for myself, I found them perfect for my food box," Harry waved the spoon at an ornately carved chest that Draco would have thought held something more valuable than dinner.

"Clever," Draco said, impressed.

"I thought so. Also, quite convenient for me," Harry said, offering another spoonful of soup.

Draco took the bite and nodded. Five minutes and half a mug of soup later, Draco turned his head to the side tiredly, "No more."

"All right," Harry agreed and began eating the remaining portion.

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