Chapter 8 - Interlude - Severus Snape

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Friday, 11 October

Severus watched his son interacting with his housemates at the Slytherin table, proud of the boy's performance this past week. Draco had not let any hint show of the tiredness he must have been feeling all week and especially today as his transition approached. After their conversation on the first day of school, neither he nor Draco had brought up the subject of Draco's transition again. It was simply too dangerous for them both.

Walking back to his quarters after supper, Severus wondered whom his son had chosen as a transition partner. He had to admit to himself that he had no idea whom Draco would have chosen. The only thing he was sure of was that it wasn't Pansy. Severus would watch the student population tomorrow; if it was a student here at Hogwarts, Severus should be able to figure out whom fairly quickly.

Severus puttered around in his rooms for several hours, rearranging his furniture and tapestries and books; tasks he had put in the category of "when he had time." Knowing he would never be able to concentrate this night for his worry for Draco, Severus threw himself into the relatively mindless labor. By the time he was finished it was nearing eleven o'clock. Pouring himself a brandy, Severus sat in his favorite chair and watched the fire while taking an occasional sip. He was startled out of his reverie an hour later when his clock began to strike midnight.

"Good luck, my son," he whispered, and took himself to bed.

Saturday, 12 October
"First and second year snakes all accounted for, though I doubt Draco would have asked one of them anyway. Ah, there's Anthony and Pansy's clique. Fourth and sixth year snakes accounted for," Severus thought to himself as he watched the students trickle in for breakfast and tallied heads.

Turning to the Ravenclaw table, Severus quickly eliminated all fifth and seventh year ravens from his mental list; they were all at their house table busy studying for their respective end-of-year tests, and probably had been for the last hour, despite the fact that it was only October. A perusal of Hufflepuff surprisingly let him eliminate the first, second, third, and sixth years. A glance at Gryffindor revealed a mostly empty table. "Lazy imbeciles," he groused to himself uncharitably, completely ignoring that breakfast had only just started and would continue for another hour.

Just before leaving the staff table at his normal time, Severus was able to eliminate the remainder of his snakes, as he had expected, the sixth year ravens, the fourth year badgers and the first, second, and third year lions. He would have to wait until lunch to make additional eliminations.

But lunch found Severus cursing his way back to his quarters. It was a nice day outside, evidently, not that he cared in the slightest, and most of the students had opted to eat outside. He would have to wait until supper.

At supper a cranky Severus stabbed a hapless carrot and scowled out at the students. As this was his normal demeanor, nobody took special note of him. "Ravens. First years, first years. Yes, all here. Second years?" Severus scowled at his plate and counted them from the corner of his eye, absently eating his carrot. "No. Farmer is missing. Third?"

Continuing his headcount, Severus eventually eliminated all but three Hufflepuffs, four Ravenclaws, and six Gryffndors before his normal leaving time. Growling his frustration, Severus made to rise, when he was stopped by the mediwitch. If it wouldn't completely ruin his hard-won reputation, not to mention make him green, he might have kissed her for the distraction that would likely allow him a couple more minutes to keep an eye out for the thirteen missing students.

"Yes, Poppy?" he asked nicely, for him. If he was nice maybe she would talk a bit longer.

"It seems that the autumn outbreak of colds has started, Severus. I had four children through my ward just this afternoon. Will you be able to brew a batch of Pepper-Up for me tomorrow? Or should I place an order with St. Mungo's?" she asked politely, mindful of the man's temper but still needing an answer.

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