Sasuke's hands involuntarily clenched into fists. "That bastard!"

"Well, obviously I wasn't about to let him have his way with me, so I kicked him in the face. That... well, let's just say it pissed him off. He rushed at me – he was much more violent this time. Can't say I blame him – I'd want this hot ass too," Naruto said, slapping his butt playfully.

"A-and that's when you grabbed the katana?" Hinata asked meekly.

The vulpine boy nodded. "Damn straight. It was right above the bed, so I just reached up and grabbed it. By time I'd unsheathed it and everything, Kisame was already on the bed and coming at me, so I spun and slit his throat. He never saw it coming."

"That was it, then?" Sasuke asked, looking somewhat disappointed.

"Well, yeah. He fell off the bed and sputtered for a bit, but he wasn't about to come back from something like that. It was actually pretty disgusting," Naruto murmured, scratching his cheek. "I didn't really think about it that long, though – I just knew I had to save Sasuke."

"So you ran outside, and that's when Itachi shot you," Shikamaru concluded with a nod. "Makes sense."

"Yeah, that's about it. I ran outside, saw Itachi, and I was going to kill him too – he shot me first, though. That's all I really remember until I woke up in the hospital."

Lee stood up, pumping a fist into the air. "That's amazing Naruto! You fought him off with the power of youth!"

"Yes, Lee... we all know," Gaara mumbled as he rose up beside his boyfriend, his hands in his pockets. "Seriously, though, way to kick that pervert's ass, Naruto. We should get going, though – Temari's giving us a ride home."

"Ditto," Shikamaru chimed in as he stretched his arms over his head with a yawn. "I have to spend the rest of the day with her before I head out for the summer... you understand."

"Just remember to wrap it up," Sasuke said with a sly smile. Shikamaru completely ignored the comment, instead choosing to wave once over his shoulder as he headed for the street. There, Temari's cherry red car was pulling up to the curb and blaring on the horn.

"Hurry up, guys! Shika and I have to get a whole summer of lovin' out of the way!" the blonde shouted, drawing the attention of nearly all the remaining students on the Konoha High campus.

As he watched Gaara, Lee, and Shikamaru hop into the car and drive away, Sasuke heard several footsteps approaching from behind him. He felt a shiver run down his spine: fangirls. Prepared to fend for his life, the Uchiha spun his head around, only to realize that the crowd had gathered around one Choji Akimichi.

"Oh, Choji~!" a pink-haired teen cooed, throwing her arms around the chubby boy's shoulders. "I think it's my turn to go out on a date with you, am I right?"

Another girl with a blonde ponytail elbowed Sakura in the face before embracing Choji herself. "Ignore Little Miss Forehead – it's my turn."

Ignoring both of the girls, Choji shoved a final handful of chips into his mouth before staring dejectedly at the empty bag before him. Rising abruptly, he crumpled the bag into a ball and stared off into the distance dramatically. "I have to go, guys. More snacks await."

Starting off into the distance, Choji was pursued by a small crowd of desperate girls, all of whom clamored over the indifferent teen. Once they were out of sight, Sasuke let out a sigh of relief.

"That was a little too close for comfort."

"Well, they know you're taken now," Kiba commented, throwing his arm over Hinata's shoulder. "They're not going to mess with you now that you're openly dating Naruto."

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