Chapter Forty-Two: A Strange Encounter

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The Devil ignored me while not going any further on the subject. He finished off what remained of the chocolate doughnut before leaving the kitchen. Another little kick jabbed against my stomach as I placed my hand on it and closed my eyes and then took a deep breath. God, I could not wait until this baby was out of me and I'd have my body return to its former glory. I heard the phone ring in the living room as I went to go answer it. The caller ID came up Clinic followed by a ten-digit phone number.


"Good morning. This is Kate, from Dr. Pierce's office. I'm looking for Mr. Jason Morningstar."

"This is him."

"Hi Jason. The reason I'm calling you is to remind you of your appointment today at ten-thirty."

I looked at the grandfather clock in the corner. It was nine forty-five. But to be scheduled for an appointment without my knowledge. How weird was that? I looked towards the bedroom and made my way there while telling Kate I'd be right back. I heard the shower running coming from the bathroom as I placed the cordless phone down on the bed. Lucifer was in the midst of lathering up his body with soap as I opened the shower glass door and reamed him out.

"You made an appointment without telling me?"

"Oh! Didn't I? I could've sworn I mentioned it to you on the flight over here."

'No, you didn't. My appointment is at ten-thirty. So hurry it up. Get dressed and let's go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that love. I have an important business meeting with some investors in about twenty minutes."

"You can't be serious. We're on honeymoon and already you're working as if it were just another day at the office."

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry! Un-freaking believable."

The shower shut off in an instant as Lucifer stepped out and grabbed a towel off the nearby rack. He didn't even bother drying himself off. Instead, he just wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into the bedroom before going behind the headboard and pulling out drawers that revealed various articles of clothing. Behind him were a set of double doors that opened into a large walk-in closet. Suits, ties, slacks and even shoes. Everything a powerful man like himself could ever want when it came to looking his best day after day. Classic contemporary with regards to neither style nor fashion, his looks alone were enough to turn heads no matter where he went.

Except, there were no more words left to say. The argument was over as quickly as it had begun. The Devil had won like he always had, and will probably always will. I left him alone for now and returned to the phone in the living room.

"Hi, Kate? Yes. Sorry to have kept you waiting. You said that my appointment is at ten-thirty? Uh-huh. Fine then, I'll see you soon. Bye."

I ended the call and put the phone back on the charging station before finding my suitcase lying open at the foot of the bed while my wallet, cellphone and a key fob were on the nightstand. Dressing casually for a visit with the doctor was the easiest thing to do given my current situation. By the time that Lucifer had a emerged putting on the finishing touches to his suit. He came over to me and placed a kiss on my head, his hand on my waist as he pulled me in.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"A few hours, hopefully. I can't say for sure."

"Okay. Then perhaps after my appointment I'll take in the sights."

"Sounds like fun, London is a beautiful city after all."

"Hmm." I murmured. "I should get going. Don't want to be late."

The Devil's Mark (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang