"Happy now?" Lucy smirked with a slight blush. 

Zeref was stunned but soon came out of his shock, a grin slowly spreading on his face. "Very," he replied. 

Lucy and Nagi chuckled as they once again headed towards the direction of their estate with Zeref on Nagi's other side. The two held Nagi's hand as they strode through the garden, expressions of pleasure and enjoyment radiating from every part of them. It was a blissful afternoon. 

At the Sabertooth guild~

"Hey, guys. We're back," Lucy said, coming into the guild with Nagi in her arms. 

"Welcome back, Lucy-sama, Nagi-sama," Yukino said as usual with a light cheerful smile. 

"Hey blondie!" Sting said, hanging his head back from his chair. "How's it going?" 

"If you continue to sit like that, you're going to fall," Nagi said stoically and sure enough, the chair wobbled and Sting toppled over with a loud crash. 

"Hey, you didn't do that on purpose did you?" Sting said, coming up to him. 

"Who knows?" Nagi replied, turning the other way. 

"Lucy, put that kid down! Today, we're going to end it once and for all!" Sting said as he got into fighting stance. 

"Is a fight going on?" Orga said enthusiastically as he came up to watch the show. "I'll be placing my bet on the kid." 

"Me, too," Rufus said. "Sting's no match for him." 

"Oi!" Sting yelled at the two of them. "Do you guys not have faith in my strength?!" 

"Sting-san..." Wendy laughed nervously. 

"It's a matter of fact that you're not a match for Nagi," Carla said, coming up to him. 

"That's right, that's right," Happy said. Lily nodded. 

"Frosch thinks so, too~" 

"Sting, as your partner I hate to admit it but...Carla's right. You're no match for him," Lector said. 

Sting wanted to utter something but as he laid his eyes on the guild, everyone just nodded in agreement at Carla's words. Sting fell towards the ground on his knees. He punched the floor with his fists and just uttered some nonsense words. Nagi, who was still being held by Lucy, grinned evilly at Sting. Of course, he made it so that Sting could see it. 

"You!" Sting cried but before he could attack, Lucy blocked it.

At the same time, Minerva yelled "Stop!" 

The guild looked up at the second floor to see their guild master standing there with a rather annoyed face. Everyone gulped. 

"If you guys have the time to waste your energy by starting fights in the guild, go out there and get your asses trained before the Games!" Minerva yelled, fire in her eyes, as she grabbed Sting, Rogue, Rufus, Orga, Happy, and Lily and threw them out the doors of the guild. They landed on the concrete floor in heaps and each rubbed the part of their body that had come into contact with the ground. Wendy and Carla walked obediently out as Lucy chuckled. 

"Lucy, take care of them will you?" Minerva asked tiredly. "Train them before the start of the Games. Use them as your tools for revenge. I already knew what you wanted since the beginning." 

Lucy looked at Minerva with an unreadable expression but inside, she was surprised. Minerva only looked at her with a tired grin. "I've been in this guild with you for three years...did you really think I didn't know? Now go. Go on out there and show 'em what it means to be a part of Sabertooth." 

The Divine EmpressOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora