Chapter 5: Out Of My League Or Not At All?

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Here's chappy 5! Sorry if this chappy's crap!



Dixie's pov

To my surprise, Betty was also covered in slushy. Suddenly, Veronica, Nancy, and Josie all followed Betty shortly after into the bathroom, all covered in different colored slushies.
"What the hell?" I said.
"I know, right? I don't know why I'm covered in slushy crap." Josie said.
"I mean, I like slushies, but I don't like wearing them." Veronica said.
"Tell me about it." Nancy said.
Then, I looked down at my clothes and seen I was still in slushy clothes.
"That reminds me." I said as I went to my bag and grabbed my outfit change and went into a stall. I started to change and as I threw off my slushy clothes, I could see them disappearing.
"Alright. Very funny. Who's the wise guy or girl that's taking my slushy clothes?"
I heard the girls laugh and then I heard Jughead's voice say with a laugh,
"It ain't me. What do I want with slushy clothes?"
"Where's Archie then?" I asked.
Suddenly, I heard the door open and quick footsteps take off.
"I think Archie has your slushy clothes." Jughead then said before I too heard him take off running after Archie. I'm not that mad. I have an outfit I'm changing into. As long as I ain't bare naked, I'm good.

*later on in the day*

*you know the drill. :) ;) Listen to The Trouble With Girls by Scotty McCreery while reading from this point up until you see this symbol --> 💁*

Jughead's pov

I admit, helping Dixie earlier today felt good. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside for some reason. Could I possibly be falling for her? If I am, I want to get to know her better. I wanna know what I'm getting myself into with being around Dixie more. Trouble is, I don't want to come right out and say that I want to get to know her better. I kinda want to be subtle with it. But who do I go to when I want to get to know Dixie more without telling her up front?

Oh, what a dummy I am. Of course I can go to Archie! He's her brother, after all. They may not know each other that well, but it's better than how much I know her. I walked back to my locker and grabbed my stuff and started to walk to the student lounge so I could work on my novel in peace and quiet. Just as I got to the student lounge, I suddenly heard loud voices down the hall. I ducked half inside the student lounge and peeked around to the direction I heard the voices. I then seen Archie yelling at Reggie, no doubt about what he did to the girls.
"What the hell, Reggie?"
"What do you mean, what the hell?"
"What's with the slushy throwing?"
Reggie scoffed before he said,
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
"I think you do know! Jughead witnessed it! He seen you throw a slushy at Dixie!"
"She's a stupid dork that got into that stupid Glee club. Anyone that gets into Glee club gets the slushy."
Archie then looked like he was about to punch him, but he held his composure and yelled,
"How dare you say that about my sister?!?!"
"Oh wow! She's your sister?! This is rich!"
Oh.....shit is going down.
"You are to leave my sister alone. She didn't do anything to you. Neither did Betty, Veronica, Nancy, or Josie. Leave them alone, too." Archie said before walking away. I ducked back into the student lounge and shut the door. I found a comfortable chair to sit on and got comfy and dug out my laptop and began to work on my masterpiece of a novel. I worked for about 10 minutes before the door opened and broke my concentration for a moment. I looked up and I seen it was Archie.
"You probably heard all that, didn't you?" he asked me.
"Yeah. It's nice that you stick up for Dixie like a big brother should. Wish I could do that for JellyBean." I said.
"Yeah. I know what you mean. Reggie can be an asshole when he wants to be. I just wish he could change his attitude sometimes. He thinks everything's a joke to him."
We sat in silence for a moment before I took a deep breathe and spoke up,
"Archie, can I talk to you about something?"
"Is this a something something or a someone something?"
"Well, both, but mostly the someone."
"Let me guess. The someone is Dixie."
I looked up with wide eyes and I said,
"How do you know?"
"'Cause from what I witnessed in that unisex bathroom and the whole situation in a nutshell, I don't think anybody else would have helped her out like you did with taking her to get cleaned up and comfort her and all that. I guessed that maybe you like her or something."
"Well.......okay, yeah, I do like her, but I want to get to know her better so I know what I'm getting myself into."
"Okay, well, I'm glad you came to me with this instead of keeping it from me."
"Yeah. I kinda wanted to talk to you first before continuing to hopefully hang out with her and hopefully lead to something more and I'm getting too far ahead of myself here."
Archie laughed before he replied,
"It's okay, Jug. If it makes you feel any better, I think she likes you, too."
My turn to raise an eyebrow.
"She sometimes asks me about you, what you're like, and all that stuff."
"Same thing I'm doing now, pretty much."
"Yeah. So what do you want to know?"
"A lot of things."
"Okay. Well, just so you know, some things about her, I feel it's appropriate if she's the one that shares them on her own terms when she's ready."
(A/n: Readers, if you were paying attention throughout the story, you'll know what Archie's talking about here.)
"Okay, so like what happened with her baby's father is one of them?"
"Yeah. That's definitely something I can't share. She'll share it with you when the right time comes. Just don't pressure her into telling you, okay?"
"Okay. I understand."
"What else do you want to know?"
"Like, what are her interests that you know of?"
"Well, she absolutely loves music. Pretty much almost any kind, but country music holds a soft spot in her heart. That's what she grew up listening to. That, and some classic rock, some pop from school dances, and some songs from movies and TV shows."
"She's an animal lover, especially dogs. Well, you already know she has a daughter. She loves to write stories, fanfictions, imagines, you get the idea."
"Yeah, so she's basically like me in a way."
"Pretty much, except for the food part. Yeah, she does like to eat, like you. Just not as much. Says it takes away from her writing time and music listening time."
I let out a small laugh at that.

In the back of my mind, I felt really warm inside. Dixie could be the one I've been looking for for so long. Yeah, it was nice being with Betty back when we were sophomores, but things didn't work out. We were tired of sneaking around 'cause her mom didn't approve of us being together.

Maybe one day, Dixie and I might end up together. Being she's Archie's sister, I already know the cons. One being Archie might watch me like a hawk when I'm around her. A second being if I ever hurt her, he's most likely coming after me. But what kind of person would I be to hurt someone? Especially when they mean a whole lot to me?


So what'd u think of part 1 of chappy 5?



Trivia question: in the comics, who is always pursuing Midge, Moose's girlfriend?

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