Chapter 3: My Dad And My Brother

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A/n: here's chappy 3!!!



Dixie's pov

As the bell rang to go to our last class of the day, I gathered my stuff and put the book back where I had found it and walked out into the hallway into the never ending sea of students towards my last class, which was College English A. Suddenly, there was a presence right beside me.
"Hi. You're Dixie, right?" they said. I looked at who was talking to me and the first thing I seen was flaming red hair. Cheryl. She was in my Algebra class.
"Um, yeah?"
"I'm Cheryl. We're in Algebra together. Sorry we didn't get to officially meet until now."
"It's okay?"
"So what interests you?"
"Um, not a whole lot. I like music, reading, writing, and sports..."
"Music? Sports? Perfect! Are you interested in trying out for cheerleading with the Riverdale Vixens?"
Before I could say anything, she said,
"Perfect! You're just what we need. Tryouts are Monday during free period. Just have a dance song picked out that you can do a routine to....."
As she blabbed on about the tryouts, we walked past the guy they call Jughead. He turned his head at the right time, for he was staring at me again. We locked eyes for a moment before Cheryl caught on to what I was doing and followed my gaze.
"What are you....oh, don't waste your time with him. He doesn't date. He's kind of anti-social."

*following Saturday*

I didn't know what to expect when my mom pulled up to the two story house with a large front porch. We parked and I took a deep breath before looking at my mom.
"You okay?" my mom asked me. I nodded and she said,
"I understand if you have feelings of resentment towards your father..."
"I actually don't, to be honest. I understand that you got the divorce and why. And too, he didn't even know about me, so there's no reason for me to resent him. Now, if he knew about me, then it'd be different." I explained.
"I understand, honey, but he'll love you just like he does your brother. So you ready to meet them?"
I nodded before she said,
"We'll go in at the same time, but you'll wait by the door with Virginia in her car seat, just to kinda be a bit of a surprise."
"Okay." I said as we got out and I grabbed Virginia's car seat with little Ginny in it, along with her diaper bag. My mom shut the car door and we made our way up the porch steps and my mom opened the screen door and knocked twice before letting ourselves in. I quietly stepped in behind my mother as she called out,
"Fred? You guys home?"
As I set Virginia down on the floor, I cautiously waited and mentally thought of my mom's comment as a duh! moment. Would the door be unlocked if they weren't home? Then again, I've known people that don't really lock their doors, reasons why I don't know.
"Where are you?" my mother called out as she started to walk around. Suddenly, I could hear what sounded like a video game being played.
"Living room, Mary! Both of us." I heard an older gentleman's voice call back. My mother then went into this other room that I did not follow. I stayed as quiet as possible and did my best to keep Virginia quiet so I could listen to the conversation.

*27 minutes later*

As they idly chit-chatted for a bit, I suddenly heard my mom say,
"Fred, there's something I didn't tell the both of you before I signed the divorce papers."
"What is it?" I heard a younger guy say that I assumed was my brother, whoever it may be. The voice sounded really familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I heard my mother take a deep breath before she said,
"At the time I signed the papers, I was pregnant."
"Why didn't you say something?" my father said.
"I was trying to tell you when we had that argument, but you didn't listen. And when you said you didn't want any more kids, that's when I said I wanted a divorce."
"Mary, I truly am sorry. From what I can remember, I think I had a very bad day, nothing went right at work, and I was very stressed. But if you had waited like a day for me to calm down enough to talk things through, just know that I would've been elated to know that I'd be a dad again."
"Um, Fred, I didn't get an abortion, nor did I lose the baby. I went ahead and had her."
"Her? I have a sister?" my brother said.
"I have a daughter?" my dad replied.
"Yeah. She's 17, and she's here right now. I'll go get her."

The One Exception: A Jughead Jones/Riverdale FanFictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu