Chapter 2: First Day At Riverdale High

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Hello my lovely muffins! Here's chappy 2!!!!



Dixie's pov

Well, here I am, standing in front of the place they call Riverdale High. I took a deep breath and started walking to the doors. Is it too late to turn around and go back to the hotel room and say 'f*** it'?

Yeah, it is. I'm already over halfway to the doors. Besides, I need my diploma if I want to go on to a better job in the future. I took a deep breath as I walked through the doors into the already crowded hallway. I looked at the map in my hands again to make sure of where the office was so I didn't get lost in the massive sea of students. Through all the pushing and shoving, I managed to make it through the worst of it. I finally made it to the office and walked in as shy as could be.
"Hello dear. How may I help you?" a lady who I assumed was the secretary said.
"Um, my name's Dixie Andrews. I'm new here and I don't know where I'm supposed to be." I explained.
"Ah! Well, welcome to Riverdale High! I'm Mrs. Hackley. You'll need to have a parent fill out this emergency form tonight and bring it back on Monday, as well as these couple forms, and these ones need to be signed and returned right away. I'll get your schedule and I'll call another student down to give you a tour of the school so you'll know your way around." she said as she handed me some forms and the emergency card. As I started to sign the ones she designated needed to be signed and returned right then, she walked over to another part of the office to call another student down to show me around. Then, she came back to her computer, clicked on a few things, typed what I'm assuming was my name, and clicked on a couple more things before going over to the printer and grabbing a single sheet of paper. I'm assuming that's my schedule she printed.
"Okay. Here's your schedule. And thank you, dear. Betty will show you around when she gets here. Again, welcome to Riverdale High." she said.
"Okay. Thank you." I said as I stepped out into the now empty hallway and waited for whoever Betty was. After a couple minutes of waiting, a tall blonde haired girl came walking up. She had a bright smile on her face and she came up to me, held out her hand for me to shake, and said,
"Hi. Nice to meet you. You must be the new student. I'm Elizabeth Cooper, but you can call me Betty."
"Nice to meet you, too, Betty. I'm Dixie. Dixie Rose."
"Lovely name. So, shall we get started?"
I smiled and said,
Then, she showed me around the whole school, even going up onto the second floor, which turned out to be just classrooms, a janitor's closet, a stairwell going up, and the second floor of the gym. Going in between stops, we made small talk, not really getting to know each other. Plenty of time for that at lunch, I guess. She showed me to my first class, which was on the main floor. Algebra 3A with Mr. Asiala.
"Well, here's your first class. Don't worry. Mr. Asiala is a good teacher."
"Okay. Thank you so much, Betty."
"Oh, it's no problem. Hopefully we have some classes together."
I looked at my schedule and held it out for her to glance at. She glanced at it and said,
"Actually, we have PE, Chemistry, and College English together."
"Yep, so I'll see you next class." she said with a smile on her face.
"Yep. See you next class." I replied back as she turned with a smile and walked to her first class. I took a deep breath as I then opened the door and walked in timidly. Oh snap. There's at least 3 or 4 guys in the class with varsity jackets on. One sitting next to a familiar face. The guy I seen in Pop's last night. The teacher turned to me and said,
"Are you a new student?"
"Yeah. My name's Dixie."
He scanned through his attendance list and marked a box with a check to indicate I was here.
"Welcome to Riverdale High. I'm Mr. Asiala. Nice to meet you." he said kind of quietly.
"Nice to meet you too."
He then called out to the class,
"Everyone, if I could have your attention up here."
One of the parts I already hated about being a new student, everyone lifted up their heads to look up at me and the teacher.
"We have a new student here. This is Dixie. If we could go around the room starting up here in the far left corner and work our way left to right, front to back, with saying your name. You don't have to say your last name. Just your first name." Mr. Asiala said. At my far right, I learned the red headed chick's name was Cheryl. Then it went on down the line up until the third row, the guy I seen last night in Pop's, I learned his name was Jughead. Kind of a weird name, if you ask me. The red headed guy next to him was Archie. Part of me wondered if Archie was my brother, but I told myself I wasn't going to say anything to him right then. Don't wanna make a guy uncomfortable on the first day of school, right? Didn't think so. After we made it through everybody, Mr. Asiala said,
"Well, Dixie, looks like the only empty seat available is right next to Archie and that'll be your seat for the trimester."
"Okay." I said before gingerly (NO PUN INTENDED! I SOWWY!!! -the author) making my way to the empty seat. Great. I have to sit next to a jock for 12 weeks. Hopefully, he's not like the typical jock that's always a jerk to everyone. When I sat down, my assumption was wrong. He smiled a bright smile, one that looked a lot like my mother's, and held out his hand for me to shake.
"Well, as you know, I'm Archie." he said.
I smiled, shook his hand, and said,
"And I'm Dixie. Nice to meet you."
"If you ever have trouble, I'm always here."
"Thank you."
Suddenly, the guy called Jughead tensed up while Archie and I were making small talk while doing the warm up problems. I furrowed my eyebrows and kinda warily glanced at him. Archie asked me,
"What is it?"
He followed my glance and looked at Jughead for a second. Archie gave a dismissive wave and said,
"Eh. Don't mind him. He does that for a reason I don't know."
I shrugged and continued to work on the problems with Archie, comparing answers as we went.


The rest of my first class went smoothly and before we knew it, the bell rang to start heading to our second class, in which mine was PE. I finally made my way to the gym and as I walked in, everybody was sitting on the bleachers, but before I could go sit with everybody else, I had to let the teacher know I was new. Once I did that, and everybody else was there, he introduced himself as Coach Clayton and he then introduced me to everybody and he said for the first day of a new trimester, we didn't have to change clothes. I smiled and as I started to walk up the seats, I heard a familiar voice say,
"Dixie! Over here!"
I turned towards the voice and I saw Betty sitting with two other girls. I smiled and made my way over to them. One girl was African American with long curly hair and the other one had short brunette hair and somewhat preppy clothes on. Betty introduced us,
"Dixie, this is Veronica and Nancy,"
She pointed at the brunette when she said 'Veronica' and the African American when she said 'Nancy'.
"Veronica, Nancy, this is Dixie." Betty said.
I held out my hand to the both of them and told them it was nice to meet them and they smiled back and said the pleasure was all theirs.
"You can just call me Ronnie if you don't feel like saying Veronica." she said.
"Okay." I said with a smile.
"I would have a nickname for you to call me, but nobody really calls me anything." Nancy said with a laugh. I laughed and said,
"It's okay. I don't really have a nickname, either. Well, maybe I do, but it would be inappropriate." I said.
They laughed at my lame joke about my name. Then, Coach Clayton told the class that to kinda break the ice a bit, we would play dodgeball after we did our warm up exercises in our attendance lines. Sweet! I love dodgeball. Then, going off of his clipboard, he rattled off our names going in alphabetical order, girls on one side of the gym, guys on the other. Of course, 'cause of my last name, I was first on the girls' side. Then, not surprisingly, Betty was behind me. Then, a couple other chicks behind her. Once we did our warm up exercises, we got ready to play dodgeball. Again, girls on one side, guys on the other. Coach Clayton lined up the balls on the black line in the middle and went back to his chair.
"Alright! You can go get a ball if......"
He then looked around at both sides. Me and the rest of the girls looked like we were ready to pounce on a few people. Coach Clayton then said,
" dyed your hair this past summer."
Aha! I did get pink streaks in my hair for a little while before they started to wash out. I immediately went for the balls. I grabbed two and hurriedly kicked the balls all to the other girls. I overheard some of the guys murmuring to themselves as I heard Ronnie say as I was bringing the balls over,
"Alright! You go, girl!"
I smiled and as I kicked the last ball over to the girls side, I turned and quickly threw low at a random guy, hitting him in the kneecap. He looked absolutely defeated as he walked to the back and sat down against the wall. I smiled to myself as I fast-walked around the back of the girls and came back towards the front where Betty, Veronica, and Nancy were.

*20 minutes later*

Eventually, the game boiled down to me, Betty, Veronica, and Nancy on the girls side and three random guys on the other side. All four of us had balls in our hands, and we had devised a plan to take out the three remaining guys. While a couple of us would aim mid-height, the other two would aim low. Thankfully, our plan worked and we were able to take out all three and win the game for the girls.

*end of the day*

I had some class called World Cultures West with a few of the jocks, whose names were Reggie, Chuck, and a guy who they call Moose and a gay guy I learned whose name was Kevin Keller, and his dad was the sheriff in town. After lunch, I had Chemistry with Betty, Reggie, Kevin, and Jughead. Thankfully, we didn't have to blow up anything today. Then came a boring time for a while. It was a free period, but if you wanted to, you could fill it with whatever. I was in the library reading a book passing the time when I seen a tall guy with short somewhat curly hair with a nice shirt, vest, and tie on. I assumed he was a teacher when he posted something on the bulletin board and walked out of the library. The curiosity got the best of me, and after looking around to see who would be watching me, I slowly walked up to the bulletin board to inspect what the teacher put up. As I scanned the board, I seek a bright blue paper that had a bunch of lines, and big bold letters that said 'Glee Club sign up! Auditions during free period on Monday'. Hmm. Interesting. I looked around before signing my name on the first line on the blue paper and I walked back to my book before anyone could catch me.


So there's chappy 2!!!

So what'd u think of it?

Trivia question: Over the course of the comics, Veronica had several dogs. Name one of them.


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