Prologue, Part 1

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Dixie's pov


I walked through the door of mine and my mom's house after my shift at the diner 20 minutes away from the house. The house was pretty much dark except for a light in the kitchen over the stove and the glow of the TV in the living room set to a low volume. I first assumed that my mom was sleeping, but my assumption was wrong when I seen her come out of the bathroom while I was taking off my shoes.
"Hi honey. How was work?" she asked me.
"Same old, same old. Nothing really interesting happened. Oh, and Mark told me to tell you that Peggy wants to have lunch with you and Katherine Wednesday at noon at that bistro the next town over." I replied.
"Oh, Mark was at the diner?"
"Yep. Like he normally is. Where's John?" I asked.
"I think he's upstairs with Ginny. She was crying a little bit ago while me and John were watching TV, and I was gonna go get her, but John was already up and going up the stairs."
"Okay. I'll go see if they're okay." I said as I started making my way up the stairs. As I got closer to my room where Ginny sleeps in her crib beside me each night, I could hear John singing to Ginny different lullabies, but they weren't the traditional lullabies like Twinkle Twinkle or Are You Sleeping? or I Love You. These were different songs.
"You beautiful baby from the outside in. Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again. Go on, take on this old world, but to me, you know you'll always be my little girl...."
Then he transitioned into a song from 'The Wild Thornberrys Movie'.
"I'm gonna watch you shine. Gonna watch you grow. Gonna paint a sign so you'll always know, as long as one and one is two. There could never be a father who loved his daughter more than I love you..."
Then came a Rascal Flatts song.
"My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big. Your worries stay small. You never need to carry more than you can hold and while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things, too. Yeah, this is my wish..."
Last, but not least, came a song from the movie 'Dumbo'.
"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my hear, never to part, baby of mine. Little one, when you play, don't you mind what they say. Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine. If they knew sweet little you, they'd end up loving you, too. All those same people who scold you, what they'd give just for the right to hold you. From your head down to your toes, you're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of mine. All of those people who scold you, what they'd give just for the right to hold you. From your head down to your toes, you're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of mine. Baby of mine."
I stood there leaning against the doorframe, smiling at the sight.
"There we go. Sweet dreams, princess. I love you so much." he whispered to Virginia before lightly kissing her forehead and placing her in the crib and closing it. He then stood there admiring what our love created. Yeah, we were still in school, but it just happened one night and he discovered when he took it off that it had broke. I slowly walked over to him and put my arms around him. He jumped a little bit and I giggled softly.
"When did you get home?" he asked.
"Oh, about 10-15 minutes ago." I replied.
"How long were you standing outside the door?"
"Long enough. I heard it all. From "My Little Girl" to "Baby Mine"."
He smiled before turning towards me and wrapping his arms around me.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
We then met halfway for a tender kiss. We pulled apart for a bit for him to place his forehead on mine and he softly sang one more song, but this time, he sang to me.
"I cross my heart and promise to give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true. In all the world, you'll never find a love as true as mine. And if along the way, we find the day it starts to storm, you've got the promise of my love to keep you warm. In all the world, you'll never find a love as true as mine. A love as true as mine."
We stood there holding each other for a few minutes before he had to go back to his house. His parents haven't exactly warmed up to the idea of him living with me and my mom and our daughter yet. He headed out in his black '88 Camaro and I stood there watching with a smile on my face. Once he was out of sight, I went back in the house to put my pajamas on and finish getting ready for bed. Once I was ready, I climbed into my bed after checking on Ginny, touched the touch lamp until it was almost dark in the room, except for a night light that comes from my iPod plugged into my speaker dock. Sleep came easy for me and then, I was entranced in a blissful slumber...........


1 1/2 hours later.....

I suddenly heard Florida Georgia Line and Tim McGraw's "May We All" playing, which woke me up. I was startled at first. I didn't know where the hell it was coming from. Then, I seen my phone vibrating on my bedside table and playing the song. Who in the hell would be calling this late at night? I figured I could just tell whoever it was that they better have a good reason for calling. I sleepily answered,
"Is this Miss Dixie Andrews?"
A male voice and it sounded urgent. Okay, I'm starting to get scared now.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"My name's Brian. I'm with the local EMTs. There's been a really bad accident and you're down as the emergency contact for John Walker. Are you a relation of his?"

My heart just dropped down to my stomach as I sat up in fear.
"I'm his girlfriend, the mother of his baby. Is he okay?" I said frantically.
"It's better if you came down to the scene. We're past the diner, but before Beaver Run Bridge. Where the deep ravine is."
"Okay. Let me wake up my mom and we'll be on our way."
I said before I hung up. I sat there in fear crying for a minute or so before getting up and running to my mom's room. I burst through the door to my mom's bed where she lay sleeping. I desperately shook my mom to try and wake her up.
"Mom! Mom! Mom! You need to wake up! Please! Something's happened to John!" I frantically whisper-yelled. She finally woke up and she sleepily said,
"What? What are you talking about?"
"I just got a call from an EMT named Brian! He said there's been a bad accident and that I'm the emergency contact for John!"
That seemed to fully wake my mom up, for she hurriedly climbed out of bed and started putting on clothes. I ran back to my bedroom and put on clothes and then, I grabbed Ginny from her crib and got her ready to go out. Thankfully, she was still sleeping. I grabbed her diaper bag while carrying her and I managed to shut off the light in my bedroom at the same time my mom came out and shut her light off.
"Where's the accident at?!" she asked.
"He said past the diner, but before Beaver Run Bridge. Where the deep ravine is."
We then hurriedly made it out to the car and I buckled Virginia in, made sure she was nice and snug, and climbed in the shotgun seat. Then, my mom backed out of the driveway and we hauled ass towards the diner where I worked, turned onto the road, and continued driving until we seen a bunch of red and blue lights. When we got close enough, we parked the car, got out and my mom went and grabbed Ginny while I took off running towards the lights. While I looked for this Brian guy, I could see vaguely see a dead deer at one side of the road and a tow truck with its cable down in the ravine.
"Miss Andrews?" a male voice said from my right side. I turned my head to see who I assumed was the Brian that called me.
"I'm Brian. We talked on the phone. As you probably already seen, this was caused by a deer."
I nodded and I asked,
"Where is he?"
He didn't say anything. He just gestured for me to follow him, and I looked back at my mom and Ginny and we followed Brian over to a stretcher with a big black body bag on top. I instantly felt sick to my stomach. Please don't tell me he's dead. Please don't tell me he's dead. Please don't tell me he's dead. Brian started to unzip the bag, but he stopped before asking me,
"Are you sure you're prepared for what you're about to see?"
I nodded hesitantly as my mom placed her free hand on my shoulder and Brian proceeded to unzip the bag more. As soon as I saw his face, I collapsed down to my knees and cried out at the sight of my boyfriend's lifeless body. MY BOYFRIEND, THE FATHER OF MY CHILD, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, DEAD!!!!!


So what did you think of part 1 of the prologue? Comment below!

Trivia Question: if you read the comics based on this series, what did Jason Blossom refer to the Riverdale gang as?

Comment below! If you are right, I'll pm u letting u know and I'll give you a shout-out!


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