I closed our door and locked it.
What a night for a first-year.

I fell onto my bed and rolled around.
I was thinking about all the thoughts I had when the boys came into the nurse's office.

My cheeks grew red.
I needed some sleep.
I turned off my lamp, and I went to sleep holding my pillow tight.

I awoke the next morning to the continuous sound of my bright red alarm clock.
It was bright and early outside.

I squinted. The sun rays got into my eyes.
The white curtains were pulled back, showing the window and the scenery behind our dorm, which was a vast green area and then a fence surrounding it.

Paige was sitting down on a yellow beanbag on her side of the floor, holding a cup and drinking a sip of her americano.
She was as perfect as ever. She wore a tiger onesie. Her short purple was styled in a natural way and her blue eyes were vivid.
She stared off into space.
I cleared my throat.

"Oh! Jamie, you're awake! Brilliant!" She said.
"Breakfast will be in 20 minutes."

Then Paige stared off into space again concentrating on the wall.
Oh well, I'm not one to complain so I won't ask any questions.

I nodded and went to my closet to pick out my uniform.
I decided to wear jeans that went up to my knees, since we weren't allowed to have any skirts or pants pass our knees going up.

I wore my white button-down long-sleeved shirt and my gray vest.
I took my green tie and put it on.
I also took the wide green ribbon and tied it around my arm.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and wore my glasses. I looked in the mirror, and I was satisfied.

I turned around, and I saw Paige all dressed in her uniform wearing a red tie, which indicated that she was a third-year, sitting in the beanbag, drinking her coffee, but she was staring into space again.
Since when did she change into her uniform? You know what, forget I asked. The people at this school couldn't get weirder.

I cleared my throat once more.

"Oh! You're done? Okay! Let's go for breakfast!" Paige said while looking at me smiling.
She grabbed her school bag, and I grabbed mine.

She grabbed my hand and we both went down the stairs into the dining room to grab a plate and eat our food, get our bags, and go to the main buildings by car.

I think I forgot to mention that we get a car that drives us to the main buildings, there are 10 vehicles. 5 people in each one, and we have a designated one.
It turns out that Paige is in my car.
Same with that short black haired Daphne girl, that pale-skinned with white-blonde hair Grace girl, and that Cassy girl with the huge chest.

Great. I wonder how this will turn out.
Daphne and Cassy were wearing blue ties, which indicated them as a second-years.
Grace was wearing a green tie, she's apparantely a first-year, too.

Paige was staring off into space..., Daphne was staring daggers at me, Cassy was drooling while looking at her phone, and Grace just looked nervous.
I glared at Daphne back and she turned her head. My eyes were filled with triumph, so I turned back in my seat again.

The car driver got there in less than 5 minutes.
We needed to go to our homerooms, so I waved bye at Paige, and she waved back.

I entered Mrs. Johnson's classroom and sure enough, all the girls were crowded around Cody, and they were asking him all sorts of questions. I'll just talk to Cody later.
The boys just got quiet and stared at me as I entered my homeroom.
Then they looked away and whispered to themselves afterwards, sneaking a few glances at me.
Ugh. They need to stop whispering and speak out so I know what's going on.

I sort of avoided them, and I searched for Adrian.
I glanced everywhere in the classroom, and I found him.
His red hair was really easy to find, since it was bright and colorful.

Adrian's face was not in a book, but he was staring blankly at the wall with some earbuds on.

I took one of his earbuds and put it in my ear. He glanced over at me and nodded in response, then he looked at the wall again. Adrian was listening to classical music pieces by Chopin.
I sat down in the desk next to him since his partner was in that group of boys.

I thought it would be funny to see how Adrian would react if I touched his hair.
I touched his head. Adrian didn't even flinch.
I ruffled his hair slightly and took my hand back. His hair was softer than I expected.

When I looked back at Adrian, he had taken his glasses off and was now reading a heavy book.
Up close, Adrian looked way better with his glasses off. He had brown eyes.

"Alright! Everyone go back to your seats!" Mrs. Johnson yelled as she entered the classroom.

I gave back the earbud to Adrian, and I went back to my lonely desk with an unknown person as my partner.

"Okay, I will take roll," Mrs. Johnson said.

Everyone said 'here' when their name was called. When Adrian's name was called, his voice was a bit lower than yesterday.
Did puberty hit?
Nevermind, don't answer that question.

Then homeroom was dismissed.
I went up to Adrian, and he nodded in response again.
Yay! This is our way of communicating; I feel special.

I went up to him and we walked to vocals together. Adrian kept on staring foward with no emotion for some reason, and I was starting to get creeped out, but I didn't ask any questions.

We made it to vocals, and I opened the door to the room.
Again, the boys went quiet, but the girls weren't.
All the girls were flocking over Tyler and asking him a bunch of questions. I could not get into my seat, so I just sat in an empty seat nearby.

Tyler was giving the girls one-word responses.
I caught his eye and we both stared for a while, then the girls looked over to me and glared.

I glared back very cold-like, and they averted their eyes. Haha.
Then the girls went back to flirting and asking questions.

Then Mr. Gafton entered, and everyone went back to their seats.
I stood up from the lone desk and sat in mine next to Tyler.

He glanced at me for a second with his crimson eyes.
Then Tyler went back to listening his anonymous music using his earphones.

I wonder what we will do in class today?


Hey guys!
This is the 8th chapter of Minuet Mystery, and I hit 320 views! I'm so happy!
Thank you for the people that added this story to their reading list, and for the people that voted on their story.
Again, THANK YOU!~


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