Part 21

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I wake up to find Yuri's arms around my waist, My (E/c) eyes widen as I feel my heart speeding up. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I was able to steady myself. "Tigr," I call out to him softly. He groans and tightens his hold on my body. His and my chest were pressed together. "Yuri, Please wake up," I call out to him once again.

Nothing, I feel one of his arms go under my shirt as his face starts to go red. Looking at the time, I see that it was still 5. Groaning, I snuggle my face into his neck. It was too hot. Not knowing what came over me, I kiss his neck; quickly moving my head on his chest again. His heart beat was rapid. His and my legs were intertwined. My eyes start to drop. "Night Yuri," I mutter.   

"Wake up, (y/n)" I hear Yuri call out to me. A hand in my hair and one on my back. "I'm up," I mutter, Opening my eyes. "Oh hello." He states sarcastically. "Sarcasm this early? You must be excited" I mutter. He removes his hand from my hair and to my chin, Making me make eye contact. 

"You will be fine, Yuri," I comment, Seeing the worry on his face. Without thinking, I cup his face; stroking his cheek while stating. "I believe in you, now. My partner in crime. Make me proud." He nods, his greenish blue eyes wide. "(Y/n)" I hum, "Thank you." I giggle. "You're welcome. Now, Sit up and get changed." He groans.

Sitting up, I wrap my legs around his. Holding on because I couldn't be bothered to move. He stands up and holds me up. I nuzzle my head into his neck. He grabs his clothes and lays me on the bed. He starts to get changed. I look at my phone, Nothing caring about my partner. My eyebrow raises to find a text from Teddy. Once I read it, My heart drops. "(Y/n) you need to get ready." 

I blink the tears from my eyes and groan as he pulls my arm. "Fine." He sits on the bed. I grab a tiger jumper which he picked out for me. Getting changed into that, I pick out a pair of black shorts and tights. Getting changed in them, I flop onto the bed. "Come on, Lilia wants me now." I nod, Grabbing my trainers. 

"Yuri!" I squeal, He smirks and hands me his bag, then picks me up, Bridal style. "Thanks," I mumble to him. He kisses my forehead. I raise an eyebrow,"Thank you for being, My good luck charm." I hear him mutter. "I will always be yours," I comment. Everyone looks at us. An old couple smiles at us. "Ah Young love." I giggle as she whispers, "He is good looking, You have to keep him to yourself." 

I nod and whisper back, "I will. I promise." She smiles and looks at Yuri. "Treat her well son," The old man orders Yuri. Yuri nods and holds me tighter. We get to the rink and see Lilia talking to Yakov. "Yakov!" Yuri calls out, Making them turn to us. Lucky for me. No one could see my face because of my hood. 

"I see that she is tired." Yakov states, "There is nothing wrong with training him before he starts a show." I mutter. Yakov takes me from yuri. "You still haven't told me who that is," Lili states, mad. "I'm Yuri's partner for pair skating," I mutter, Not looking at Lili. She rolls her eyes. "You're not a prima ballerina." 

Shaking my head I state, "I learnt from the best." She scoffs. "Yakov, Put me down. " I mutter, He does as I ask. Yuri grabs me; hugging me. While he does, My hoodie falls off. Showing my slightly messy (H/l) (H/c) hair, "Yuri, You will do amazing!" He nods and states, "Thanks (Y/n)" I giggle, trying to forget. "(Y/n) Help Yuri with his stretches." I nod and mumble, "Ok uncle." Yuri lets me go. 

We face each other, Grabbing onto the bar of the rink and start stretching our legs. He wasn't able to lift his legs higher than me. Taking my hand away from the bar, I placed them on my wraist; Lifting them higher. 

He copies me; we both go faster. I turn so we were both facing Yakov and Lilia. Lilia and I make eye contact. "(y/n)" she mutters, shocked. I ignore her and continue to stretch. He grabs his bag and gets his skates, He goes onto the ice and I hear someone call me. "(Y/n)~" Turn my head, I see Viktor. "BIG BROTHER!" We both hug and as soon as we do I hear him whisper into my ear, "You got the text, didn't you.."

I nod. Teddy is dead.

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