Part 2

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Hello, everyone! I'm back with a new story. I wanted to try something new. I hope you enjoy reading this story just as much as I am writing it. -Lu


The bell goes for the final time today, Signalling to the bored out of their mind teens that they could leave this hell. However, That bell means that one teen had to be on that plane in one hour. Standing up from her desk one last time, her hand graze over the wood. Following each pattern on the wood. As she looked up, One last idea enters her mind. A small smirk finds its way onto her lips. "I can't leave without saying goodbye, Can I!" the girl exclaim. Running towards the blackboard, with a piece of chalk armed and ready. 

After about ten minutes, (Y/n)'s masterpiece was completed. A spider diagram of everything she had done in the two years she had been at this school. Grabbing her phone, She takes a photo of the masterpiece. Her (E/c) eyes lands on the clock. The colour ran from her face. "Fuck." She grabs her (f/c) bag, Running out of her safe haven. The once again abandoned classroom, Class 2-b. The sound of footsteps once again, fill the halls of the now discarded school. Her (h/l) (h/c) locks bounced as she speeds up, as she runs out of the school.

Only one car was still in that carpark. Rage engulfed my whole being. My parents were waiting for me. Once I was in their line of sight, I get beeped at; Multiple times. As I walk towards the car, I could feel my bloodlust grow. "(Y/n), Calm yourself." I mutter to myself. My slim but shaking hand grab the door handle. Sitting down on the leather seats of the car, I shut the door behind me. "Good evening Mother, Father," I state, No one speaks. A very awkward silence falls onto the small cramped car.

A small 'tsk' leaves my mother's mouth. Here it goes, "WHY WERE YOU LATE!" My 'father' shouts as he hits the car horn. "I'm sorry, I had to grab my old books." I lied to them without any hesitation. Lucky for me, I already had them before hand. "James, Don't waste your energy on the brat, she will be gone in due time." My mother states softly, as she rubs his shoulder lovingly. That didn't affect me anymore. "We should get going," James comments, a small innocent smile shown on my mother's face; That sicken smile.

My head stays down, Allowing my (H/l) (H/c) locks to shield my face from their smiles. My teeth gritted together. "Lucky for us, we still have her money," James whispers to my mother. A smirk creeps on my face. That's what you think. I have always had it on me, Away from your grubby hands. Same with my inheritance. They joke around together like teens, while the real teen is sitting in the back. Wishing for her father to come back, Wishing for her father to save her. Russia was the resting place of my father.

Where he got shot for winning gold at male figure skating. 

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