Part 13

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We are in Barcelona. Yuri and I are wearing Matching Cheetah jacket and shoes, While we are in Barcelona, I'm Yuri's decoy. It's easier since no one knows who I am. Yuri and I have partaken in Partner skating competitions but, only small ones Since he is practising for the Grand Prix. I've become his fitness trainer as well I have taught him some new jumps. He has had a new choreographer. I have been too busy to meet her though since I have been doing stuff for Yakov since he is family. I didn't mind since Yuri says she is an old hag.

"(Y/n) you know what to do right?" I nod, My short blonde wig on my head and my greenish blue contacts in, I was a mirror image of Yuri. Except he is a little taller. "I have to walk towards the desk, sign in and go to our room, take photos if need be and act like a douche. Your words exactly." Yakov nods making Yuri complain, "Yuri, Please stay safe." He nods and gives me a quick hug. I smirk and jump out of the car. I grab Yuri's suitcase while Yakov grabs mine. "Let's go."

I nod my head, Yakov walks ahead of me. I had a grumpy face on the entire time. I walk towards the receptionist and in my best Yuri impression. I was able to sign in. Turning around, I see a bunch of girls screaming wearing cat ears. I start mutter, "Blyad." A woman voice calls out to me. "YURI, what have we spoken about using inelegant words." I turn my head to find myself face to face with Lili... My eyes narrow and I mutter, "Whatever." Walking towards the elevator, I get stopped.

"YURI! TAKE A PHOTO WITH US." Yakov nods, I groan. Walking over to the fangirls, A pair of white kitten ears get placed on my head. 'So theses are Yuri's angels,' They take photos of me with a huge scowl on my face. "We love you, Yuri!" I growl and walk towards the Elevator. My room was on floor 8. As the Elevator goes up, I get a text message from Yuri. 'I'm taking the stairs, Stop the elevator on floor 3.' I do as I'm told and stop the Elevator. The doors open to show Yuri running towards me.

Yuri joins me in the Elevator and smiles at me. "I didn't know that Lili was your choreographer. " He raises an eyebrow. "Who? My choreographer is Lilia Baranovskaya, An old hag." I smirk and shake my head. "It's my nickname for my Aunty." He smirks and hugs me. My arms wrap around his waist. The elevator goes up while we are having this small moment. "Come on Yuri, You and I are both tired," I whisper to him, grabbing his hand and running towards our room. We didn't stop, Till we got into our room. I take off the wig, Allowing my (H/c) locks fall. I take out my contact lenses and place them in the right contact case. I turn to my best friend who is sitting on his bed, my heart beats faster but I ignore it. Yuri..

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