ch.4 💜💜💜💜

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Bella's pov.

It's Monday and I surprisingly had a relaxing weekend usually the kids would want to go out but they didn't want to do anything but watch movies all weekend, if we didn't have a crazy week i would have thought they were sick but i knew they were just tired. Today i got up at 5:00 in the morning, so I could spend more time with the kids before I have to go to school. It is now 6:20 and I walked upstairs to get dressed I decided on skinny jeans and a cute black blouse and red Converse. I got my stuff and went down stairs to wait for Arabella.

I have been staying over there while my dad is out of town. It's not that bad but I do wish he would come home soon it's a lot easier on me when I have both of them.

Once me and Arabella are ready we get all the kids and head over to my father's house were esme cullen is waiting. Once we get to the door I unlock the door to let them in. When i unlocked the door ara had to go upstairs to get my project that was do today so I decided to wait for Ara in the van. I am actually going to get my license on my birthday do i wont have to wait for ara and be late for school. I can't wait to drive myself to school luckly after ara's birthday i only hsve to wait 2 days. I only have my permit right now so I can't drive by myself yet but hopefully will be able to soon. I got driving and parking down pretty fast so if i were to take the test i most definitely would pass, but that doesn't matter because legally I have to be 16 to get my license and I am only 15.

School was pretty boring except for lunch and biology. I stated talking to Edward Cullen so those times aren't as boring as the rest of the other classes. Being smart can be a blessing and a curse, especially when you know the teacher made a little mistake and you fix it for them.

It's the end of the school day and Ara is letting me drive home so while I am waiting for her to come out I am reading my second favorite book romeo and Juliet, while I was reading I hard a scream and when I looked up I saw a van coming straight at me. I didn't have time to get out of the way before it killed me so I just waited for the van to kill me no matter what it was going to kill me because I am not as fast as my father since I am only 3/4 vampire.

The van never hit me though, when I looked up I saw that Edward Cullen had saved my life. I saw Someone take out there phone to call 911 but that's all I remember before I passed out.

Arabella 's pov

I had to get help on an assignment so today I went to English to get I was in the classroom another student walks in to the room I recognized him as one of Bella's friends . "Are you Isabella's sister " He asks "yes I am why is she OK" I ask "you might want to come outside "He says I look at the teacher and she says "go I will give you extra time as long as when you come back to school you come here after so I can help you " "thanks I will "I say and run out the door. As I get to the parking lot I see the ambulance just getting here I go straight to my sister to see that she was not badly hurt and probably just passed out I asked one of her friends if she ate lunch and they said that she never got her lunch she just sat down. After I was told that I went in the van to grab her bag. You see we may be mostly human but we do have some vampire in us so we can also drink a little bit of blood. My sister and I carry it around in a water bottle so I got her bag to see if she had some and it looks like she didn't. Once the paramedics came to check on her I went to the cullens and asked if someone could drive my van home and let esme know we will be getting home a little later then usual. The only person that jumped at the opportunity was the short perky girl with black hair."I will do that for you by the way my names Alice."she says "OK thanks I appreciate it here the addresses just park the van in front of the address that's at the bottom then walk across the yard to get to my father's house " I say " no problem do you need anything else " she asks me "actually in the glove box my niece forgot her little mermaid toy and she's a nightmare without it, is it possible you can hand it to esme and tell her it's Elizabeth's" I ask "no problem I do have one question esme keeps talking about a kid worse then Emmett and something about not watching him with the other kids what happened " she asks "oh that would be Kevin he is handful and dosn't listen to what we tell him to do so we sent him to Italy for five weeks he's staying with our grandfather and when he comes back he will be a lot better our parents did it to us and we are thankful for it." I answer her "wow were in italy" she asks "Volterra
In a small house near the clock tower." I answer "nice well you should get going they are just putting your sister in the ambulance." She says "OK thanks here are the keys and thanks again "I say then take off .

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