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Bella's pov.

While I was explaining everything I put my Shield around Edward so I can copy his gift I am only use 2 of the gifts that I copied I only copied 2 gifts. Edwards make it three gifts. You see the only way I am able to copy and use gifts is because I drank some vampire venom before becoming queen so my Shield was a little stronger. I know what Edward was thinking but I didn't know his mate was James all I knew was that Edward is the only way to break the connection his gift makes." Now I know you guys are confused so I will tell you that I don't know how Edward is to break the connection all I know is that James let it slipped that Edward was the only one to break it , Edward what was your last name when you were human" I say because I have to pretend that I can't read his mind. If Edward kills James then he can't come after anyone. " mason why" Edward asks " because James only said that the only one that can break the connection is an Edward mason sadly I don't know how you can break it." I say while listening to his mind

Edward's pov.

So she doesn't know that my mate is James so I can still use her. I just wished I didn't have to pretend to be Bella's mate if I didn't need her to take the Volturi down then I would have killed her already. Hopefully I don't have to kill James it might be wrong but I still love him I just don't want to be with him. " ok well we should go to the field because it's almost time to start the game." Alice says

( skip to the field)

" ok bella you will be our umpire with esme" Carlisle says " just a warning she thinks we cheat" Emmett says " I know you cheat Emmett " esme says. Gosh who cares about this can we get this game over with so I figure out the rest of my plan and how to get a rid of ara and Charlie and get the rest on my team. " it's Time" Alice says finely. As the game goes on we all bat except for alice,bella and esme."STOP" Alice says I guess they are coming yes finely. I run up to bella and tell her to put her hair down. When they get here I give a small smile to James while Carlisle talks to them when he gives us our cue I grab bella so we can leave. That's when there was a breeze. " ah you brought a snack....oh and it's isabella..... tell me were are your sister's" James says " sadly ara passed away three years ago and Elizabeth just passed a month ago oh and get it right Elizabeth is my niece not sister" bella says " oh ya that right well it looks like you will be my next target." James says as he starts coming towards us that's were all hell broke lose I go to help Carlisle with Victoria while leaving bella unprotected wrong choice but all well. Jame broke her leg and bit her arm before I pushed him off her. While I was killing my mate Carlisle sucked the venom out. Before I killed Jame and while everyone was distracted I gave a me I passionate kiss on his lips and tell him that I love you and always will. When we are done and everyone leaves I will get his ashes so at least I am with my mate.

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